Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 173, 26 July 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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C1TY DRAYAQE C0. SUnd; Qaeen »nd Borl Whlie and BUck Sand. Drajing Done *t Eeaaonahle Ealee. W r. SBARRFTT. ĪT*> MACH1NE MADE POI! FACTORV, : : KALIHI. Tan> PI«nU, Frcsh Tojs mod Emw Tmro mt all times. EiDg Up Mnto»l Telephone 577. Beli S45. W. L. WILCOX, jy'23 Man«ger. R rs*j i p mrruAL tele sk NiEPER'S Baggage Expres«. 'i» Fort St.. HomJn!u. H. I. Ā Baegage and Furniture Carefully Hand!ed and Delivereil »t Shor» Xotice to All ParU of the C:ty. Stand on Cor. of Fort k Qaeen Sts. jy35 Aueiion Sale ot I?lantattition nt W aikiki-kai. In p«>.tt*acc crf ia*tracti 'ū< (h>m HO Sl*N i oTEva, I«UnJ of U. I.. thc naort£»£t>Damcd in a Chat?tc Mortg*«c. exwuted by CHEOSt» KI.M TAI, <Utad tk«ober M»h. : lSt£, «nd iwonleU In Liber 138, p*cfs 23T-S, ' 1 «Iiūll sell to tbc bich<«t biddcn *t *ao?ion, »t uit Smles Room. {lonololo. on SATl'KDAV ihe d*y of Jnly. 1S , .M. «t U o’eloek noon. tho follovinj£ property, vl«: The Ricc P!antath«i, known a» the < hoou* Klm TaL (fonnerly Ihe Yee Hop Co'. Plantation. at Waikiki-kai, Ilonolulu. inoloUin; all leases of Iands ombr*ced therein. on whieh *ro dvcllin? houso, outhoaaos. threshiofC floor and e<jaipinonU of a woll oondnoted Heo planlmUon; al<o all ihe unplemou?» of eulUT«tioD, hor*tf*. wac»'D. eto. A »chedule o( thc lem*c* and othcr proj'tfrty eoneemeii may be «een mt the otUce of 0. W. Ashipobi>, AttV*mcy for tho Morttfasec“. Tormi of Smle. Ca»h, Dec*ls at eipono ot parcbaaer. I i. .T. Auctioneer. T. B. Murray In Yt‘t t» l»e Foiiud Ou tlie Old Ntaud. \o. 44 Kiug N»(.~IHs Rnsiiie»M un CARRIAGE AND (*oes On. £F*Wheu the “PEOPLE8’ PARTY” gets smashed he will be ready to 8EPAIR, PAINĪ AND TE1M IT At a Reasonablo Figure.— No Extra Chargo for Faruishlng them witb Oommou 8onse. LET THEM RtNG UP MUIUAL TKLEPHONE Ō7*2. jril *>cn City - Carriage C<WPWY Blacksmith Shop 107 KING STREET D. J(. BEJtfT, Blacksmith Work AXD Carriage Repalring In mll ifs Br«och«s, mt Bed Rock Prko*. Gtve ua m Cmil andjodge for yoar«l£. jy*23 CRITERION 8AL00N, Weil«nd • Estr« • Pale Lager Beer 2 Schooner* for 25 Cte. jy!4 L. H» DE£, Prop r