Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 173, 26 July 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Comp'y. [ARTICLE]

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Hawaiian Hardware Comp'y.

July 24 In * Wilson’s Phiiosophy” Mark Twainsjiys: ‘*Pai| all of yoar eggs in one basket — and watch tbat bu5ket.’’ Eggs are not the only tbings to whieh ' this applies, we ean make it fil stoves and change eggs into doilars and make it read—lnvest your eoin in a Pansy Stove—and , the stove will watch itself. We have been watching these stoves for the past five years, and find thera the best iron stove sold in j this market for the money, Where else tbau at our store ean ; you get a stove that will do even*i thing that a $50 stove will doand get it for $15? Eeho answers, *the plaee isn't bailt.’ We have sold handreds of these stoves in Honolulu, and never had a eomplaint. Two weeks ago, we sold oue to a geutleman on Hawaii, and yesterday he ordered another for a friend. The stove sells itself tbrough its fuel saving qualities. and because, it is a good baker. You ean got other | styles of stoves if you aro not ! particolar as to the qaantity of fuel yon burn or how yonr 1 ; food is cooked. There’s no dyspepsia in mea1s prepared on a ; PANSY. f i We received last week a lot of | wire clothes-lines that hold : wasbed '*clothes without using pins. It is a sort of doub!e wire 1 1 arrangement and the pieces are 1 held in between;the harder the wind blows the tighter the pieces ! are held to the line. There ia absolutely no danger of the clothing being toru as there is 1 uothing sbarp about the line. 1 While the cost is a trille greater than rope, this new style will * last so maeh longer tbat it is eeonomieal to bny the piuless line. * _ The CLAUSS is one of tbe . new fangled siw-edge knivesthat cats warm bread without leaving it iced eake wiihoni making crambs There are two or three d tierent rankes of these knives, all on the same principle and eaeh one prononnced the best on earth by the mannfacturers. We selected the CIauss, whieh we believe as a disinterested spectator to be better than its neigbbors. Yoa uever had anytbing in your life that give as maeh satisfaction for a dollar. If you were buying tho other sort yoa woukl get only one. Tbe favorite sewing maehine in any community tbe one tbat does the most for the lertst money and whieh runs the easiest. In tbe “Wertheim’' you have a maehine that sews tbree distinct stitches—The Loek, Ohain and Embroidery and rons easier tban any other maehine, and you pay twenty doilars less for it. Eeonomy stands boldly every side when yon buy a Wertheim. In tacking the ehain stitch is preferable, bnt in other kinds of work. the loek stitch is tbe best If you buy a maehine that sews tbe loek, uuless it is a Wertheim, it won’t sew a ehain stitch. There’s no particnlar saving in buying a maehine with but one stitch, the Wertheim does three and saves yoo Iots of trouble and wcrk. We ve jnst unpacked six casks of stand lampsthat were bnilt for hard times. They have meial bases &nd are decorated so as to make a very neat appeannoe in a room. We don t ihink yon ean get as gooil a l&mp anywhere else for the money. try &s bard as you pleaae. Onr aloek of table cutlery, spoons &nd forks is as large as yon wiil find in any store in Saa Francisco. and onr piieea eompaie favorably wiih thosa in New York. ne Haiaui HiNnn (H 1 , V 1 307 Fox4 Streel ;