Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 173, 26 July 1894 — FOR THE VOLGANO. [ARTICLE]
A PersonaJIj Condacted Kxcorsion to Start Soon Those who have never seen the Volciuo. aml even tbcs«» who bHve. *ill »eize with avidity Ihe ehanee to visit Hawaii’n gieat w'>nder onder snch circnmstances as aie presvnted. Pele is now tnore active than she has been for i years, and tban sbe wiil be for years to eome. To realize tbis fact. Frank Hoogs has organized an excarsion paity whieh wili j Ieave for the Volcano on Augost the 3rd. a week frotn tomorrow. Tbe party will l»e personally eoodncted by Mr Hoogs, who has had considerdble experience in this liue, and tboroagbly anderstauds Lis bosines5. Special in1 daceraents are otfered to those who take tbe joarney, rtlthongh the price for tbe trip is only $50 for au eight days absence from Honolula. This is the ehanee of a lifetime, and oue tbat no one ean atTord to miss. Tickets are for sale at tbo office of the Wilder S. S Co.