Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 172, 25 July 1894 — Great Scott! [ARTICLE]
Great Scott!
Our esteemed contemporary the Advnii)ter is becoming a respectsble joumsl. We are pleased to notice thst fact because we remember that tbere are more cbances to make a deal wiih Saint Peter (or a reformed pbsrisee than there is for, even a guardI ian. Testerday tb« raorning organ j to!d the world exacUy whai the j alieged repnblio i». It says in I talking about anneaaiion: Will the United SUtee be beet able to realise its bistorio miaeion I by tho absorption of tbe is|ands, or by guarauteeing their independenoe. or bv keepiog the ialanda in a statē of poliUoal brmeni from ihe attempU of inee ■ ponsible adventurers to get oontro! of ihe govermneut to (oeUr their private aohemea of individnal aggrandisement ? Allow na io answer ihe qoeelion, Iiiah lashion, with another qnestion. Wko. dear *Timr t bronght iheee islands in iU present sUU “of poliiioal fmwrf from the atterapU of innpouible advetttnrera to get eonkml of the govemment lo (oekae their privato aehemea of iadividaal aggrandiaament ? ’ Waa it noiihe very beekars vf the iMm and the proeeut o&e* hoNUn who for ihe sake olieK agtrawd V
aBĒsmtmss=sssĒaiEsssssmBSB \ izement decided to ral« or mio | aod so far have sncceeded in both ' objects ? The independenco of these Islands is secnre; the an- ; nexation is impossibie; bnt the ; politmal (erment will continne so long as the nuscrupulons ad-j veutorers now looting tbe trea8ory are ailoned to coutinne on ; iheir daugerons path in their nefarioas scheme. Wbere i* the ■ Hercnles who wiil eleau Dole's | Aogeau stables ? j; — — ■ «