Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 172, 25 Iulai 1894 — HAWAII’S “BLUE” LAWS [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


CONSTITUTION and LAWS Framed by the Missionaries, LAWS of the H AWAIIAN i I ISLANDS. . I • 2. If a husbaiul and his wife qnarrel nnd one assanlt or beat the other, or do auy thing else by whieh a wonml is intiicted, they shall then be brongbt to trial and pnnisbed accordi#g to the aggravation of tho oftense. bnt more than others who commit assanlts. If the qunrrel again after tbe trial, the punishment shall be doub!ed, and shall continne to be doubied for eaeh new otfans9, even to thē fartbest extent. Bnt if the judges percoive tliat the woman is in apeeial danger on account of the freqnont assaults of heJ husband, it shall be proper to coufine that man in irons, at the discretion of the judges, proportionetl to the dangor of his wife. 3. If two married persons do not live happily together, but qnarrel ofton and becomo famous for the same, and also disregard their marriage vows, they shall then be bronght to trial, and being convicted of the charge as specified abovo, they shall both be confined in They shall be eonfined separately, not together, and shall bo confinod at night only, and iu the moruing shall be set dt liberty, to go where they please, but at night shall be confined again, and shall be confined every night nntil they cease qnarreling. 4. If the hnsbaud sail to a foreign country and she remains fonr years withont hearing of his being alive, nor anything respecting his retnrn, it shall then be proper for the woman to apply to the Governor, who will give her a written permission to marry, after whieh she may marry another hnsband. But if her former husband returns, he is her hnsband still, the new husband must bo put away. 5. If a man or woman be banished to another island for a period of four years or more, then he or she is dead in tbe estim&tion of the law. and the innoeeni partv may app!y to the Goyemor who will give a written permission to marry again. after whioh he or she may marry another eompanion, or not, at pleasure. 6. If any one return from the plaee of his banishment and fine his eompanion marricd, the person so returned may make application to tbe Governor who will watcb hia character for one year, and ii be Iive a moral life and is fuultless, then he shail receive a certificate of mnrriage, after whTcb be may marry again. 7. If a married persoo be affiicted by a inconstaocy of his orher eompanion, (who has been convicted of adnltery,) and on that account his or her mind is made up to separate for life, then be or she may apply to tbe Governor who wiil give a bill of divorco, after whieh he or sbe (tbe innoeeni party,l may marry again. But if the two persons are nearly of the same character. and it ia not clear tb«t one is mueh better than the other, ihen tbe Goveroor shall refose, they ahall not be divorced. If one is of onblemished characterand his eompanion commits adalter>-, they and they only ean be divorced. 8. If a man become exceedingly angry with his wife or a 1* woman with her husband. und tbe angry party attempts to take the life of the other, and tbe judges perceive that tbe life of tbe innoeeni peraon is dearly in danger, then a bill of divorcement ahall be given to the innocent person, who may many again. Bot the gnilty person ahal) by no meana marry again until death. 9. U« man and bis wife are separated for )ife, and have children, but disagree in relation to tbe ehtld or cbildren, then ihe judges ehall deoide tbe eaae and give their support to the innoeeni perty. Ihialaw sha)l go into effect on ihe first day oI Janoary, in the year of on. Lord 1841, at all plaeea on theee Hawaiian Having beos enacted by tbe Kobles we have bereonto set our namea, on this tvelfth day oI November, in the year of ” our Lord 1840. at Lohaiaa, Maol. (Signed,) KAMEH AMEHA IIL * i KEKAULUOHl. (To Be Cv*i\Tiu<d. t -