Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 172, 25 July 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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P. a Box 480. Min.u. Tklkpuosk 34Ō. I Tlie Cheapest Plaee on the Islands to Bny> lJewandSecondHand Fumitnre i t IS AT THR < ORSER OF King & Nuuanu Sts. I X L Honoiulu it. i.

Oceanica|op£RA hodse O N 1 ■ Saturday Eve, J uly 28. 'iHllll OF THRILLINO INTEREST. Portraying theT!vents connected with the Dieeovery of the* Islands hy Capt. James I Cook, R.N., and the De«th of the īntrepiil Navigator, eompileil from KeliaUe anil I Original Authonties by D. M. Crowley, ! Anthor of the Wooiag of Kaala. Special | Soeneiy, C<jBtumes aml Effects. OCEANIj CA will bc Performed by a Company of ; Well Trained (Hawaiiau and Foreign) L»dies and Gentlemen Amateurs, | Box plan now open at L. J. Levey's. i REMEMBER, SATURDAY. JULY 28th. jylS Mvtvai Tku. >66. P. O. Box 158. WING WO TAI & CO., No. 35 N'a'iw Strfkt, HonhU’U’, H. I., Commision Merchants, —Imporikrs and Dealer.s 1S— Generai MerchandiseFine Manila Cig*rs. Chincee *nd •lapaneee Crockeryware, Mattings, V«ses ot all kinds, Camphorwood Trnnks. Rattan Chairs. A Fine Assortment of Dross Silks, Cho!cest BranJs of Cbincse and Japancsc Teas of Latest lmport*tions /wpeellon o/ Xete Oood* rr*peet/ullg *oiit'd. jnly6. O.T. AKAXA *:• lailoi" 324 Noaana 8treet ivil Snits-Guaranteed To Fit and in the Latest Style. Clothes Cieaned and Eepaired. I nol7 Ohas. T. Onliek - *v y * ! NOTARY PUBL1C For ihe Island o( Oahn, Agent to Take AcknowiedgasenU to Labor Contracts. , Agent to Grant Marriage Lieenses, Honolulu, Oahn. Agent for the Haw’n Islands of Pitt & Qcvrfa Freight and Parcels £xprees. j Agent for the 6arlington KonteM Esti!e Ms ail 6wal &r *afl £eil Tel. 348; Mut. Tel. 139; P. O. Box 415. 0FF1CE: No. 38 MERCHANT Streei Hnnolnla P 1 ; The bark Incgard isnow honrI K expected, being fallj dae here from San Francisco. Her aon-*rrĪTal ia not obarged. by ramor, io bead winds or oalms bnt t> coctiuaed and l«ereased dislntbaneee in ihe ao-, eaUed "hod o( ihe free and ihe home of ihe braTe.”

■ \ flEtf the Haw’n iwr Semec ū L. M. Jouxs'>x, Mauager Tet i‘.*9 • Bcl! Tel i5i> OFFICE in MASOVTG BU1LDIS'« We are prepant! to furul»U nnilomnnl nu'5 scmrers at »11 Uour». Promplne«s and «ali»Oieiion ouarantced. You nng ns ut> aml we »111 do tbc re»t. Hourly ratcs 40 oeuts. For distam e r»tes «ev Me.-sengers M»p. jy3 3m T. H. Davies k Co., I-.irci.it ed._ Fresh Feed and Flour From WASHINGTON. Lion Flour, Oats, Barley, Middlings, Bran, Per “Warrimoo,” Just to Hand. New Dry Goods Crockery, Hardware, Groceries, To Hand. —— roR Baliey Honoluiu Made Wlre Voven 8>’’X 5 '' ,: .r? * Matresses and - Hammocks