Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 172, 25 July 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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PANĪHEON SALOON, FORT AND HOTEL STS. HeadQuarters Enterprise Brewim Co. Largpst Consignment of Beer that ever arrived here, 1107: on Draught jyI4 J. DODD, Pn>p'r • CHALLENGE! UaVING HEARD THAT THE OWNEK8 * * of Johnny IIaywanl are anxiou< to maUh the horee NevaUa, I hereby challonge Johnny Hayward to a Matcb Racv over the Kapiolani Racc Track ON SATL’RDAY, Septeiuber Ist, Mile heats; beat 3 in 5; or two mile hc»ts, best 3 in 5, to h»rncss, and rules of N. T. A.. for $000 or $IiXKk half to be placed as ft>rfeit, sn slgnlne &ere«nient. This Challenge will lēeuiain OPEN UNTIL MONDAY, Julv 30, 1304, «t 13 tn. Horse and Money to be fonnd at j)"23 2t CLUB STABI.ES. FOR SALE. One M*rquee Tent. new; Size 16x32 feet; 6 feet W'all; 13 feet Roof; 8 oz. Dnck; Poles, Pins, Ring, Rafter, etc. Inquire at the HOLOMUA OFFICE. TO L£T op LEAME. Ahonae on King Street next to T. R. Walker’s premise oontaining p«rlor, dining room and threo bedrooms, beaides kitehen bathroom st ibles and all modern conveuienct»—lately oocnpied by Mr. Bnshee. Bent moden»te to responsible party. Addrcsa lyl6 ABRAHAM FERNANDEZ. DA?ID DAYTOX, Agent to Take Acknowiedgtn#nts. Will Attend t » Management and Sale of Property—Collection in All Its Branches. Office No. 42 Merobant Street; Mntnal Telephone 380. 4 jy23 Femandes & Gomes -WHOLE8ALE Caltfornta Winea aod 8plrtta, No. 503 Fort SU, Honolula, H. L P. O. Box 436. Muiual Tele. 140. jy30 2m Wimg $i.R£ Cfean* NO. nuuanu steeet. honolulu A fine »a*ortmeui of Amerlcan, •nd Seotch Ci**ih9 on worlī . F1RST CLASS fii gu»raiiteed repaired jy7la»