Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 172, 25 July 1894 — CORRESPONDENCE. [ARTICLE]

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————r ['«Ve do Aot Lo{d onEielm r»*poas«bIe K>r j the opinkn» or the at*e«««s of obt ! eoneapoaieoU.] |Editob Holoiii-i. 0f dtte yon give a eopy •of a disputch to Mioister Wil- | lis, bot «rithout date. Sovr so far as I am aware tbat dispateh is ! daied as far haek as Febrnary 28 jof fhi.s year and ihat beiug eouI eeded, then Messrs. Doie A Co. ; most have bad some knowledge of it. Those oo the side cf eonstitntiond governmeut as estab- ! lished prior to Jlnaary 17, 1893, bare always been kept poste<l in every move either for or against their position acd henee the above remark, that if those persons calliag themselves the gov- ! ernment were kept as well posted, ; they must bave known of the above dispatch The question naturally arises, why will they persist in trying to maintain a position whieh mnst ultimately end in their own ondoing? So far as I ara aware there has been no disposition on the part of the royalists to resort to srms wbere : with to displ;i3' their strenglh, nor is there any sign of vindictivenes.s notwithst.iuding the f ct ■ that plenty of room for snch feeliugs exist! Still the fact rei maius, that in spite of this kur»wledge Hole Co. stay here. Tbey would have yoa believe in their iramaculate pnrity, and yet in the face of rebukes from every uution that has consular re!ations ( here, they remain. What for? j Nothing but boodle; the longer ! they remaia in their present at- | titude so long are they raakiug ; open confessiou that they are going to hang on to the goods : they have stoIen, until such time as they are driven ont. Sensible 1 men wonhl step out aud be done with it, but the.se meu seem to l have lost all seuse of the sons i ible. As to the strength of the j roya!ists tbat has been so frei quently proven by uegatĪTe action tbat it is beyond dispute. " And if tbe powers that be, want positive actiou to prove the strength of tbe royalists, let them take a vote of all the legitimate voters under the registration of 1892, with “For the Eepuhlie” or“For Restoration.” But this they dare not do. Hawaii.