Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 172, 25 July 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]

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Bastne»a ia reported to be verji qoiet in all lines of trade. - Smith's busses, to ihe Pali and ' back are now being well pa- i | tronized. — The presidential side of Emma street is still being very carefally j iHHcadamized. i , 7 ■ Oeeaniea is proposed to be I i presented at the Opera Hoose on j ! next Satnrday evening. The Conncils will veiy probably attempt some forther legis- | laiion toraorrow afternoon. " I ■ , , * "!£■/. A subscription dance wili take ■ i plaee this evening at Wright*s Hall on King street. — The marsbal has retarued, and the depnty marsbal now takes a , ! vacation of some da}*s. ! Professor Oscar Herold will spend his vacation on Kauai and resame hia cl:\sses apon bis re- ■ 'turn. Tho Mannerchoer eluh will , mcet for practice this evening in , the parlors of the Pacific IIotel. ! , Visiting memhers arc invited to ; be presont. ■ The O. S. Co.’s steamer Ala- • j raeda is due here tomorrow frora the Colunies. Her news has i heen anticipated by the arrival of the Warrimoo. J. F. Scott late principal at i j the Governraent school at Wai- 1 anae, Oaho, has heen appointed : “clerk, ? ’ (not secretary) to the Board of Education. ' The bark Mohieau is billed ns I th« next departure from Kew ' York for Honolulu in the Brewer Line of packets. The vessel i woukl sail about Augustlst. A eomhinaiion of an enormou8 land turtleand equine eomoanion attracts the attention of passersby of Mrs. W. R. Foster’s- prēmises, on Nuuanu street. The Wanimoo sailed for tho Colonies at 4:30 p. ra. She took two steerage from here, and had on board five. from Vaneouver. Purser Munro of the Wanimoo denies the truth of tbe story relative to the steamcr not having waited at Vanconver B. C. to oonneei with tbe Amenean mails. Mr. Fresident DoIe made an ofticiaI oall on board tbe Philadelphia this morning, but did not receive the oustomary salute. Ap—pear—autly he was recognized. The Pantbeon has made a “ten strike” by tbe quality and qoantity of the beerproduced for a single quarter. Two, full schooners of cold Enterprise, for twenty-five cents. Consuls-Generals Mills aud Cauavarro, of the American and Portaguese consular corps, respeotively, paid on offioial visit together, toda}*, to H. B. M. S. Champion. Tho usual houors were accorded them on departure. Both the Irmgard and the B. P. Kitbet, from San Francisco for this port, are spoiling their previous past records. The Irm* i gard is now 16 days out and the Rithet 13 d«ys. ( Geo. Cavanagh is ihe manager I of the Goxumercial 6illiard Parlors situated on the oorner of Boretania and Nuuanu streets. If any wonld-be player will like to step in and take a ene, George will teach him a few poinia. Long firanch is the moet farorite seaside resort near Honolalu. TUe batbing groonds are oxcellent, and accomodationa and reffeshments aie simply snperb. Oolonel James Sherwood the proprietor is a host without an equal. and everybody who oan get away on an afterooon or ia fche morning or a moon-lighfc ovening ahould fcake the trmmear and \isit Jim. Eipeuee don lamoual to more ihan fifty cents, inclqding t*r f*re and