Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 172, 25 July 1894 — A Coming Jubilee. [ARTICLE]

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A Coming Jubilee.

On Saturday, tbe 4th of August, Professor Heinrich Berger will celebrate tho fiftieth anniversary of his birth. In the evening of the same day he will conduck a ooncert at tho Hotel for the 500th time. The profes»or is entitled to tho gratitude and highest consideration of this community, and it is to be hoped that somebody will take the initativo to arrange fjr a publio expression of the appreciation, whieh we know all people ontertain towards the energetic and skillod musician. During tho 22 years that Berger has speut here he has heen \iutiriug iu promoting musicaj dducation, taste and eflSciency among the Hawaiians, and we do not believe that anything could be more precious to him than the feeling of haviug accomplished a most siguificant succoss. We ahall Rot at this date ennmerate the raany euterprisos of the ever voung rausician. The National Band stands out as a perpetual monumonl of his skill as an in«truotor- His servlces in Kawaiahao C?hnrch and 8eminary are well-knowu overyboily, and bis raany privato nndert«kiags hav« been recorded beforo. Let Honolulu make the jubilee of the profe9sor a dny on whieh the troe respecl aud aloha felt for him are proven.