Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 172, 25 July 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Auct)on Sale - OF - Stoves, Ranges & Agateware On Jhuisday. July a6th M 12 >*Vk>ck M. •» ■»» I M1 U PaMio A«Ktion, a Oon»un»»ent of NEW STOVES, * s«e9: 4 MONAKOH KANGES. Wilh Klwalwi Orew, *ad a L*ry Une of IKON-CLAD ENAMELED WAKE, CoB:>rl<in£ Coft* »od Teapota, S»ocfMii-. Fol*. Rice Boilcr*. rte. tioaJfc» now on ww. JAS. M0R6AN, Aoctioneer. July23 Auction Sale of Rice Plantatation at Waikilei-kai-In per»u*nco of instT«ction» fn>n» UO Sl*S of Ewa. IsUnd of Onhn, IL L, tbe mort*»(ree namcd in » Ch»Ule Mort*»<e. cxecated hr CHEONti KIM T.VI, datcd October S4«h. 1SK, and rccordcd in Libcr 1S9. p»£cs 257-!», I scU to the bich«t b«dd<*n at anction. »t mv SUlr* Room, (looolaln. on 8ATl*RDAY thc »th d»y of July, 1*M. »t 13 o'eloek uoou thc Mlowine propērty. vl*: Tbe Kiee PUnuUon. hnown a« Ihe Lheonie Kim T»i, ,formeHy the Yee Hop Co>, FUnt». liou, »t Waikiki-kai. Honolnln. includin« »11 loa»es of Und* cmbraced thcrelo, on whleh are dwellinic hoaae, onthon*e«, thre»hing i)oor «nd eqnipmenu of » well condnct«d rice pl»nt»t>on; aloo »U thc implemenU of cnltV eaUoo, honM, wa«on. etc. A schednle of Uie len«e» »nd olher eoncera«d m»y be scon »t the offlcc of 0. " Ashto«d, Attoroev for tbe Mortg*$ee. Terms of 8«le, C»eh, Deeds at expewc ot purchaser. — L. -T. Levey, Auctioneer. T. B. Murray Ih \et to be Found On the Old St«nd, Xo. I I King M.—Hi» Bn»iiue»«i u*» CARRIAGE AND 'U Goes On. When the “PEOPLES’ PARTY” gets sma8hetl he will be rea<Jy to EEPAIH, PiIMT AND TRIMIT At a Beasonable Figore.— No Extra Charge for Fnrnisbing ihein with Common Sense. LET THKM BINQ UP MUTUAL TKLEPHONE 572, jy2l 6m City - Carriage eoMPW Blacksmith Shop 107 KING STREET D. I(. BEplT, M41W1; BlacksmMi Work A» Caniage Br«neh«e > at Betl Bock Price*. . — : **• • Cail and jndge fcryoors»I£. jy>y ■ 1 1 r ' —— 1 ■ ■ . 11 CRITERIOR SIL00N. p*i« 2 8obooo«rs for 25 Cu. jfli L. H. DEB, Prop r