Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 171, 24 July 1894 — RIPE PEARS. [ARTICLE]
Keither Stevexxs 0r Other Ontsidera Can Have “Hawaii," Dols's Eipe Pe&n. [t was of considerab’e intere»t to the community to see a report in the daily papers referring to the appeamnee of Presideut San- ' ford Ballard Dole in tbe Distriet ; Court as the prosecutiug witness against a native man wko had ; “embfczzled’’ a eouple of dol!ars worth of alligator pears from the ( “savior” of Hawaii. When #Ir. ' Steveos wanted to present the ! “ripe Hawaiian pear” to the United States, Mr. Dole griuned and expressed his readinoss to help in the ste.il. Huwaii did not belong to him, and Le was perfectly ready to give tue |>©ar away. When the qucstion eo.nea to Mr. Dole’s private pears; the pears of whieh he undoubtedly is the owner, he kicks like a steer against anybody who triesto give them away, and he forgeis his dignity so far as to appear in eommon court, and help to send a poor kanaka to ja.il. The best part of the pear i basiness is though that President Dole states that his lands at P«uoa from whieh the pears v#ore taken are incharge of two Chinamen. To tbink that tbe idol of tbe Araericau Leagae. of the Scheutzon Clnb, and of all the anti-Asiatic Americans(!!) whose aothorities he only recognizes, ahouhl employ Chine.se labor and yet draw $12,000 a year from the tax-payers! Shocking and disgusting and very discouraging to his worshippefi. It would have been better to drop the case, kiek the thief in private (or shoot him in his “constitution,”) aud say nothing tban eome boldly to the front as an employer of Chinese and a prosecutor of Hawaiiana. Dole! Dole!! Listen to onr warning voice ! and us® “Pears’ So«p.’’