Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 171, 24 July 1894 — Will Roll. [ARTICLE]

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Will Roll.

— It is sUted th»t oar enlerpn»ing fallow eitieen Mr B. F. Dil)ii gbaiQ receirad nevs todsy of n vory enconr*ging n*tnre in regerd to t te extensicn of tha Onhn R»ilroed. Mr. Fiak who hee in tere«ted hineell in th« resd h *s snooeeded in rstsing tha enAeienl I mooey to tske up the eonstraetion ol the road from £ws to Kehnko. īt is to be boped thst Ihe repori is troe sud thsi the work will be stsrted wiihoni mnoh delsy.