Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 171, 24 Iulai 1894 — HAWAII’S “BLUE” LAWS [ARTICLE]
CONSTITUTION and LAWS Framed by the Missionaries. LAWS of the HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. » VII. It ia taboo for a woman to mariy the following relaiiona. 1 Her grandfather. , 2 Her grandmothers bosband. 3 Her hasband’s grandfather. 4 Mother’s brotber. 5 Father’s brotber. 6 Father’s sister’s hnsband. 7 Motner’s sister’s hosband. 8 Hnsband’s father’s brother. 9 Hnsband’s mother’s brother. 10 Fatber. 11 Mother’s hnsband. 12 Hnsband’s father. 13 Son. 14 Hnsband’s sou. 15 Danghter’s hosband k 16 Brother. 17 Grandson. 18 Son’s danghter’s hnsband. 19 Dangbter’s daoghter’s hnsband. 20 Hnsband’s son’s son 21 Hnsband’s danghter’s son. 22 Son’s son. 23 Sister's son. 24 Brotber’s danghter’s hnsband. 25 Sister’s daughter’s hnsband. VIII. It is taboo for the following foreigners to intermarry with the females of this archipellago, via: all foreign deserters, they shall by no means marry a wife here. And hereafter no foreigner who lands here withont the consent of the Governor in writing. shall be permitted to marry. IX No foreigner shall marry a wife here nnless he first go before the Governor and declare nnder oath that it is bis design to remain in the conntry, and a!so take the oath of allegiance to this government, and obtain from tbe Governor a certificate of marriage. X. No foreigner shall marry here nnless he first exhibit evidence that he has not a wife living in any otber conntry, nor nntil he has resided in these Islands two full years. And if any one shall be guilty of falsehood at the time of his marriage, and afterward it appears tbat he has a wife in some other conntry, ihen all his property sball be seized and given to the wife whom he deceitfnlly married, and he ahall be driven ont of the country. XI. These, and these only, are the persons who shall solmnize marriages in this country. Those priests who are living hore in cousistency witb tbe laws of this coontry. And even they shall not do it independantly. Those who desire to be united in wed!ock ahall first go to the Qovernor. or to his agent. and obtain a written assent to their marriage, and then it ahall be proper for the priest to »olemnize the marriage. XII. Whoever solemnize marriages ahall keep a book where he ahall record tbe names of the persons whom be marries. On the last day of Deeember of every year, every penon who solemniaes marriagee ahall give notice of the nnmber of marriages whieh he haa so!emnized dnring the jear. And it ahall be proper for ihe King at his pleasnre to send a man to eiamine into the correctnesa of the records kept by those who solemnize marriages. lf any one disregard this and the XI Section of this law, or if any one sha!l unite penona in marriage in a manner at variance with any part of this law. he ahall be fined one hnndred dollan. OF TH* DCTO58 OP HF8BAKDS AXD W1VE8, kXD OP WVOBCX. It is the duty of all penona who are married in aeeonlanee with ihe lawa of the land to live in peaee and observe the vows whieh they made at the time of their merriage. Bnt aa forlhe pereons who regard not their vowa. the following lawa are for them. 1. II one party condncta impropcrly and lonakea het hnsband or hia wife, then they ahall be bronght to trial, and if it appean that the fonaking party waa higbly criminal. he ahall be fined al the dleezetk>n of ihe judgee. bnt noi mon ihan ten dollan. If deaertion again plaoe after ihe fine. ihen the fine ahall be doubled for eaeh new d«sertion. even to the fartheei extent But il ihe jodgee peroeive that a woman ia in apeeial danger on aeeouni of ihe fraquent aasanlte el her hoeband, it ahall be proper io oonfine that man with irons. ai tbe disoretion oI the jodgee and in propoziion to the daager of the wile. (ToB* OomKmmL)