Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 171, 24 Iulai 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Tklfho.vcs: Bell 351 Mutua! 417 Re>idenve: Muiual 410 P. O. Box 117 E. B. THOMAS, C0NTRACT0R and BUILDER Estimates Griven on All Kinds OP BK, 1R0N, ST0NE 4 NHENilUK All Kinds of Jobbing in the Building Trade # Attended to. KEEPS EOR 8ALE: BricK, Lime, Coment, Iron Stone Pipe and Fittings, 01d & New Corrngated Iron, MintonjTile8, Quarry Tiles, assorted sizes and colors; Cali£ornia and Monterey Sand, Granite Curbing and Blocks, etc., etc. !Corner King <5t Smith Sts. 0£Bce Hours, b to la M. t l to 4 P M. % V Robinson Block, Hoiel St., helween Fort and Nuuanu, Have Just Eeceived, per Late Arrivals, the Iaigest Stcck of FCE NITUEE Ever Imp0rted to this Country, Comprising Handsome Carved Bedroom Sets In Solid Oak, andof the LATESTDESIGNS. ESPECIAL ATTENT10N IS CALLED TO THESE SETS: WICK.BR WARE3, Beautifnl Designs of Wicker Ware, consisting of SOFAS, CHA1BS, KOCKERS, etc.,you ean get these in any FINISH you desire. Conntless numbers of CHAIRS t in every style, includiug 0FF1CE and HIGH CHAIRS. B2gTE:ETSI02T tables, We have had a nnmber of ealla for these Tables, with CHAIBS to match. We have now in stock the most BEAUTIFUL DINING ROOM FURNITURE EVER 8EEN HERE. Sideboards and -:- Chiffomers Divans covered with POBTI£B8 are becoming qoite ihe rage ln plaee of LOUNGES—we manufaoture ihem to order, and have a large stock of POBTl£BS to aeleei from. j BEDDZira. Great As8ortment of WOV£N WHUE MATTRESSES—Spring, Hair. Mow. Wool and Stnw MaUnaaee oa hand and made lo order. LTVE G£BSE F£ATK£BS and 8ILK FLOSS fur Pillowa. CRLB8, CRADLES. ete. WINDOW SHADES o( all eolow and aiaee. OOBNlOB POLBS t ia wood or braas trimmiaga. Faraitare repaired al : -v v '' 'WA are m