Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 171, 24 Iulai 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

P. O. Box 480. Mctcal Telephoxk 245. The Cheapest Plaee on the Islands to Bnjr New and Second Hand Fumiture IS AT TH e CORNER OF King & Nuuanu Sts. I X L Honoiuiu \l. L ir3»

Oceanica|oFEBA hodse Saturday Eve, July 28. Oeeaoiea, a Qistorical Drama OF THRILLISO INTERĪST. • Portrayiug the Events connecte<l wīth the Discovery of these Islands by '.'*pt. James Cook, B.N., and the Death of the Iatrepid NaTigator, compi!ed from Reliablo aml Original Anthonties by D. M. Crowley, Anthor of the Wi»oing of Kaala. 8pecial Scenery, Costmnes and Effects. OCEANICA will be Performed by a Company of Well Trained (Hawaiian and Foreign) Ladiea and Gentlemen Ajuateurs, Box plan now open at L. J. LeTey’s. REMEMBER, SATURDAY, JULY 28th. jyis PANĪHEON 8ALOON, FORT AND HOTEL ST8. Headanarters Enterprise Brewing Co. THE Largest Consignment of Beer that ever arnved here, noir on Draught JyH J. DODD, Prop r Pioneer 8hirt Factory ESTABI.ISHED IS87. A. M. MELL18, Proprietor, 518 Fort St., (Upatairs,' Honoluln, fiood Fit. 3IEETlNO KOni'E. ALL RESIDENT MEMB£RS OF THE nnireTsal orderof Brothkrhood of M.\ n are reqnestod to attend the continnona senrices heid dnring the week at the PANTHEON. Oool inTigorating draughta ot Enterprise 6eer diapensed to thinty pi1grima at Zwei for one qtnurter. Harry M;llcr Dispencer in Chi«f. LIE SUXG KEE, 49 KING STREET. TINSMITH, axd DEVLER IN GLASSware. Crockeiy, Coal-Oil Storea, Water Pota— P!nmbing in All Ita Branchea Faithfnlly £xecated. jyl8-ly «ITOHAN,” IMPORTER axd DEALER IN OENEKAL Merchandise, £xdnsiTely of Japaoese Mannfaetnre—WHOLE8ALE A RETAIL. 204 and 206 Fort Street. P. O. Box 116 Mnlnal Tele. 592. jy 18 TO L£T or LE4NE. Ahonae on King Street nexttoT. R. Walker’a pmniae containing parior, dining room and three bedrooma, besidea kilehen bathroom aUhiea and ail modern eneea—latcly oecnpted by Mr. Bnahee. Bentmoden(etorespi>nabiepaity, Addre*a jy!6 ABRAHA« FERNANDEZ HOTl€E. PtOM THI8 DATE, B. F. !IOFPACKEB ia akme anthorixed to drn« drmft or lo am otden for merehandiae or nppUai oa oehaK of the Uawailan Commeretal and 8uar Coapnny. THE HAWĀIIAN COMM£BCIAL AXD 8UOAE COMPANY C. A. 8mmu, Oenenl Manag«r. Jyl7-2w Femandes k 6omes WHOLE3ALE Californla Wlnea and Splrit«, No. 502 Fort St. Honololo, H. 1. P. O. Box 436. MaUial T#Ie. 140. J

g/m~ The Repnblic of Hawoii is to b!ame that Ihe prtce of SOAP dropped ten per eenU and I am therefore eompellni to aell one case, 100'i>oands, of the very best quality of Soap— Ho>est weigut—for 14.50, and you will now get 17 Bars instead of 15 for 11.25; but st did not affect the price of Soft Soap. If you need anything in this line pleaee ring up Mutual Telephone 314, and the Soft Soap Man will do the rest. tf B. BERGERSEN, (ieuonil Atrent for ,SING-ER & SEWING MAOHINE COMPT. All Kinds of Needles for Sale and Repairing Done. Damon’s Block, Bethel Street, Honolulu. P. O. Box 440. jy21 A. G. CORREA, t0rATTORNEY AT LAW. 307 Merchant Slreet, Honolulu. jv20 POUND MASTERS NOTICE. Notioe U b«nbr givrn to aU penona th*t there are at the Uovenu&ent Poand at Makiki. (oar atnyed borses. I poor red hone, white »pots on tbe foreheeo, beck and oo the left »ide; brand AF qaeer brand on left hip; two hiod (eiioek» white; 2 (ront hoofs »hod: ooe bUck mare. white spot on (orehead and baek; brmad, a heart; brand on !e(t hip not dietinct; aore haek; oue b«y mar», white (orehead; brand 2XM j; branda on idl and hgbt hipe iudistinct; one bay hone. lore (eiloek whiie; brand on hgfat hip Mj; bnnd on left not piala. AU penona owning «ame are radneited to take tne aame on or belore 12 o’eioek noon 8ATURL>AY, AUO.4 18M. JAM£S KUKONA. Ponod Maatar. Makiki. Jaly 21. 18M. jy21-dt Y- LUM SISO, Dealer in Frnits nnd Groceries Fresb Fruite by Every Ca!ifornin Steamer, Eresh lsland Botter from Hawaii. 135 Port 8treet Cotfee Ro4»tod. P O. Box 169 Freeh lsiand Prodoce, Gooda Delivered to Any Part of Ihe City. jy» 8Hf« ¥fK3f KEE, TINSM1TS a»d DEALER IN T!NWARE. Piping Liid aod Repaired. All Ordcra Promptly Attendcd to. Ckarges Vcry Modcnte. Call and See Ua. No. 222 Mannakea St M llooolalo. jy20 Im