Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 171, 24 Iulai 1894 — LA0IE8 OOLOM. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Yoo took our advi#e Iast week and bave pn>tited by o»r Hosiery ofler. »od we ihinK are you have the best of the BargaiQ. there are not many left, but there īb go at our Cut Price. AIl tbrough this week your amiling fdceg will mean the Blue« to us. as we see Bandle *fter Bundle of Victoria Lawne going hut of the store at 75 oeuts for 10 yards —and Merrimac Prints at 50 cents Ior 10 yards—and Gingharos, that art Giogharos, 12 yards ft»r #1 —or Bruw.i Cottons 16 yards fur |1, ean you hlame us f>i baving the Blues when you are cjrrying off goods at th.se prices? This thing goes on «11 the week. WEDNBSDAY, JOLY 25. marks another day of Sacrifice so fi«r as we are concerned, Colored Wool Dress Goods (all wool) you have paid us 75 cents for sime CLss ol Goods. Now they ars yours at 50 cenls a yard. These goods are worth bnying if you don’t make them up for a year. They are all New Goo«ls aiid Patterns. SATURDAY. JULY 28, Ukts in k evervthing. but the Remnant Buyers will hnve it al! their own way. Every pieee we have g m?s withoot reserve at your own prices— ts a pienie f»r you, bat \vp want the room for New Goods. Underwear is receiving onr epeeial nttention. the mark down has been general all throngh our Sloc*, in fact the fundaiuental law of our house is to sell at a very small pr>>fit in every Department the days «>f fancy prices are over. Next week you will hear something to y»ur interest. V.»urs etc., B« F. Ilhlen & Co. j v 23-tf