Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 171, 24 Iulai 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Ramor hath ii that tb« “telej grammie” Consol at San Francs,co has vired to Honolnln, via ■ Vaucouver, that the ‘ greatstrike is not yet ended ” J. F. Morgan will hohl an aaction sale of the fnrnitnre īn the residence of Ralph Foeter, street, at 10 o’eloek to- ■ morrow. Listen to wbat the Hawaiian Hardware Company tells yoa in their special eolnmn. Xo honsekeeper ean atfoid to skip their ad. Tte owners of Nevada hare extended tbe time for an acceptanee of their challenge to Johnny Hayward’a owner until Monday tbe 30th inst. The ship Lmpire, Capt Daviswhieh left here with her crew mntinons aud disorderly. arrived in San Francisco, 30 days out, Jul3 r 13th. The troops from the Philadelphia were landed this morning in a very quiet manuer without drams or fifesand marched tothe Makiki gronnds where they bad a drill. Attornev-General W.O. Smith took passnge for Hilo on the Kinan He will visit t!»e Volcano and see the spot where Pele gave way at the sight of Thorston. ; J. F. Bowler is placing a mueh needed new sidewalk nlong th front of tbe old stores whieh live King street, between the Metropoliiau Mo»t Co’s office and i Hammcr'a harness sh«jp. Dnring the prevailing drongbt the Superintendent of Water Works reqnests rate - payers living nbove Judd street to collect water needed bjr them daily before 8 a.m. No Eastern papers or maila arrived by tbe Warrimoo of date later than the llth. The Ameriean steamer with Sau Francisco mails was passed by the Warrimoo, but no wait was made by the latter vessel. Sam Dowsett met with a painful accident riding. The girtb of hia saddle J)roke aud he was thrown break~ ing a bone in bis rigbt wrist in the fall. He eame to town and was attended to and will, it is hoped, suffer no conseqnences. In this hot weatber lota of people are heard to eiolaim “if we only had a hammoek!” Somehow the old-fashioned hammoeka ean not stand tho weather and don’t last. But try Bailey’i wire woven hammoek for whieh Tbeo. H. Davies <fe Co. [Ld. ] are eole agents and you will tbink that yon are in the lap of Abraham.