Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 171, 24 Iulai 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Dan Lyons is now the financial BcreUry of the Araerican Leagne, The steamer Wanimoo sailed for the Colonies at 4:30 this p.m. The Board of Health will, very probably, not meet tomorrow. The Kinau left this afternoon for Maui and Hawaii. Mr. John Magnire left for Hawaii on the Kinau. Raw sugar wa» quotod, July 13th, as firm, *t 3J. The cheapest and best feed »tnff is for sale at T. H. Davies & Co. OapUin Griffiths, of the bark Albert, is thanked for newa favors.j A French man-of-w«r will arrive bere on or about the 4th of Angust. Lieut. Marchant R. N. arrived by the Warrimoo »nd will Uke command of the marints on H. B. M. 8. Ohampion. The steamer War>imoo brought 100 tbne )nmber, 75 tons feed and fiour 50 tons lime and over 50 tous general m9rchandise. H. B. M. S. Hvacinth wiil relieve the Ohampion and poasibly arrive here in the beginning of August. Mr. 0. W. Ashford was a paasenger on the Kinau this afternoou. He went to Maui and will return at the end of this week. Tbe osnal busy eoene will be diaplayed at the departure of four inter - ialand ateamera from port this afternooo at 6 p.m. A new party calied the repnbiiean party bas been organiaed. A number of tbe membera of the Shutzen Cinb are said to have joiued the aew party. How many more paiiiea are to be created lemaine a oooun^mm.