Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 170, 23 July 1894 — The Hamakua Term. [ARTICLE]
The Hamakua Term.
* • The following «re tbe caleaiar of tbe caaes tried ut ihe Jolj tem of the fonrth Circuit Ctmrt sitiing «t Hamikua, Hawaii. The coort failed to procnie a jary, «s only ona ot the j«rofS dffwn was wiliioe to Uke the oatb to the repn|lie. 8erenl emeea were cooseqaenily continued Ull tbe Hiio tera. Republic ol Hawaii n. Eiokn (k); Di«wtjef}y penoo. Appeal txom Polioe HegWate of $oath Hiia Appeei withdxMm. . Eepohlie of Hawaii rs. Lemf
(k); Forgery. Commu<aent from Pol ee M«gistrate of Sontli Hilo. I >ol. pros. Repablic of Hawaii vs. Kaheian ; | (k); Larceny. Third I>egree. Appeal from Poliee Magistrite of { S->uth Hilo. Continoed to Jann -! ary term, 1395. on the failnre to ; procore a native jury Republic of Hawaii vs. D. W. Kaeha. (k), Kekahnna La (k); Fishing with expiosives. Appeal | from Poliee Magistxaie of Puna. Kaeha witbdrew his appeal. Otber coutinued to January term, j 1895 ,_on faiiure of native jnrv*. Repnblic of Hawaii vs. Rufino AJvez, nlias ]£raocisco Alvez; Criminal assan)t on a female ehikl under the age of 10 years. Coraraitment from tbe Poliee | Magistrate of Sooth Hilo. Plea of Gnilty. Senteoced to two I years imprisonmont at hard labor, and to pay costs of the prosecutiou. Republic of Hawaii vs. Ah | iSam, alias Lam Tim. Rape. Commitment from Poliee Magīstrate of South Hilo. Acqoitted. T. V. Asbford for defendant. Republic of Hawaii vs. Jacintho Tavara de Rego; Perjory, Second Degree. Commitment from Poliee Magistrate of South Hilo. Nol. pros. V. V. Ashford for defendant. Republic of Hawaii vs. Ah Sing ;(Ch); Perjury, Second Degree. Commitment from Polioe Magistrate of Soutb Hilo. Coutinued to the January Term, 1895. F. M. Wakefield for defendant. Kepublic of Hawaii vs. Atai , (Ch); Perjury, Second Degreo | Coraraitment from Poliee Mng>stiate of South llilo. Fonndguilty. Sentenced to two years and six months imprisonment at hard , labor. Motion for new trial peuding. F. M. Wakefield for defeudant Republic of Hawaii vs. Kisn (Jap); Rape. Commitmeiit from Poliee Court of Puna. Nol. pros. Ropublic of Hawaii vs. Joan Yiera (Port); Receiving Stolen Goods. Appeal from Poliee Ma gistrate of Hilo. Found guilty. ; V. Y. Ashford for defendant. .! Republic of Hawaii vs. Snmioioto (Jap); larcen) r third degree. Appeal from Poliee Magistrate of Hilo. Fouod guilty. Senteuced to six Mouths imprisonment. Republioof Hawaii vs. Andrew 1 Chalmess; assault and battery. | Appeal frora Poliee Conrt of Hilo. Nol. pros. Republic of Hawaii vs. Jose M. MeJeiros; selliog spiritous liquor without a license. Appeal from District Court of Hamakua. Found guilty, three dissontiug. Finod $10 00. WilIiams&Holstein for defendant Republic of Hawaii vs. Ah Chip; selling spirituous liquor without a license. Appeal from District Court of Hamakua. Found not guilty. Williams and Holstein for defeudant. Republic of H.-vwaii vs, Ab Ling, Chon Tai, Youug Yet; gaming. Appeal from District Court of Hamakua. Nol. pros. Williama and Hosltein for ōefendant, CIVIL CASES. Antone G. Serras vs. J. G. Serras; damnges. Contiuned to January term, 1896, on account of the absenoe of plaintiff’s attorneys, W. R. Castle and D. H. Hitchoock. Nawailna (k) vs. Mekala (w); Iibel for divorce. Continued from January term, 1894, and again contioued to January term, 1895, ou aeeonni of absence of libellant’f attorney D. H. Hitchcock. Mrs. K. Maunahoa vs. D. K. Maunahoa; libel for divorce. Divorce granted on proof of craelty. S. K. Kane for libellani. Akoi (v) rs. Keo Kaw (k); libel for divorce. Coniinned to January term, 1895, on account of defendant’s attomey being absent 3. K. K&ne for petitioner; D. H. Hiieheook tor defendant. In the matter of ihe estate of J. K. Makuola, of Hamakna, deceaaed inteetate, Peiiiion for the appointment ol adainistrator. To be heard at Chambers at toj time. Xn the matter o£ the eeUie of Alberi Wailehoa Haalilio. ol Waipio, Hawaii, deceaaed intast*te. PeUiion for tha appointment of admiambtalot. Coartappoints Charies Wiliama ad«inistiator. ‘ U the matter of ihe oetatebf John £ Eraae, of Hoaokaa, de-
eeaW. Petition for ihe prob«te of wilL Wil! «dmitted lo pro* b»te. «nd J«mes Dnseoll, tbe beneficiary, nppointed execn*or. 1 In tbe maiter of ihe estato of Kua (k). of North Hilo. deceased. Peiilion for prob«te of wilk James Matson and Kahe appointed executors onder ihe will.