Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 170, 23 July 1894 — Alleged Arson. [ARTICLE]
Alleged Arson.
Wailuku has been the scene of iucemliarism for a long time back. About a year ago the resūlence of the manager of WailukuPlantation, was burned under circumstances whieh pointed stron gly to araon. Later on there were attempts to burn the office of tbe plantation and the mill. Tb« authorities have heen at wort but it was looking hopoless for them to contiune tbeir investiga tions. Finally a elue has beei obtaiued to the perpotrator cf the outrages, and a uative namel Keliikipi has been arrested lt | is stated that he made a eleoi j breast of his crimo and coufesseI , j his participatiou in the deed »t : ! tba same time implicating H. S. | Plemmei* as au accessory. Pleu- j mer, who formerly was head leaa j and acting manager of the plant- : ation has been plaeeel unler | arrest aud was promptly releaied ! on a bail of $1,000, furnished by j Mr. W. H. Cornwell. His cise I was remauded to the 2ōth imt., | on occonnt of the inability ofhis connsel Mr. J. Kichardson to be j preseut in Wailuku. Karoaaiias I of Wailnkn refuse to believe in Plemmer’s gnilt, and state openly that the oharge agaiust hiuj has i been manufaotured by enenies > and that Keliikipi has been ind5bod by promises of immniity for his sbare in the bnsiness to make the startling accnsatk>n. Mr. Plemmer who is an American is a married man and has lired Uj Wailuku for the last» fifteen years, and heen Beld in the highest eaieem. He was one of the most valuable workers for ( the reform party’s candidatea in ] th« eleetions of 1890-92.