Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 170, 23 July 1894 — Is It a Bluff? [ARTICLE]

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Is It a Bluff?

The owaers of the well-koown trotter Neyada, have a challenge | in another eolnmn to the owner of Johnny Hayward for a matcb race. Nevada's owners demand an answer before Wednisday the ; 25th inst. As the owner of Johnny Hayward, Mr. W. H. Cornwell is on Mani, and it is impbssible to c<>mmnnicate with | him and receive an answer from l him before the 29th inst, it looks as if the Nevada men were simply 1 desirous of playing a blutf game. If they will let their challenge i stand for one week from date ihey shali bave tbeir answer, and ! | theh they ean either pnt up or i shut up. There is no halloon system betweeu Honolulu and Waikapu, aud Nevada’s owners kuow perfectly well that Johuny ! Hayward is owned solely by Mr. CornwelI, and cannot enter icto ! any race withont his permission. “Dickey*’ wants to be the next president of the republic, and is taking bis eue from Dole. it is all bluff with both of thera.