Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 170, 23 July 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 [ADVERTISEMENT]
JfetiūūBl Ipoū Woū^ Qrox Strkst, Between Alakea A Kiehanl Sta THE UXPERSIGSED m pmwml to make «II kind* ot Iron Brass, Brtnue, Sdc, Tin aad L«ad C**ting». Alao O«o«nl Repair Sbop for Ste*ifs Engic«. Rioe MilU. Corn MiiU, W«*«r WieeU, Wind MilU, etc. li«rhiiw for the Oe*oiDg ot Coffee, Ca*tor Oila, Bets\ Sit»i_ Pineepple Utra Jk other Fihroos PU.aU, And P»per 8tock AUo Mnehinea .'or Extr*cting SUrch (roa the Manioe, Anow Boot, etc. CT AU Orden promptlj attended to. WHITE, RITMAN « CO. LEWIS & *C0. Wholesale and Retaal Gro AND PROYISION DEALERS. FRESR CALIFORNIA 8ALM0N ONICE By Ereij Ben Francūoo Ste«mer Salt Salmon is Barbels a Specialtt. /// Fort SiHonolulu. Tel. 240, <P O. Box 297. -Por Sal© I > Twe ftoe bred Boars, fiSS£X and CHESTER. Apply to SEABORN LUCE, On Mercbant Street. jy 5th. paVilioq Hot«l >n<l Bethcl St» M be Closed for 2 \Veeks On aeeounl of departure for Waianae with Phonograpb, J/ 19 J. A: VICTOR, Prop'r. Wlagr Sia* Ola» sa £» KUUANU »TBEET. HONOLULU ILv£eic£b.aaa.t Tadlox A fine a8.xortme.nt of Ameriean. English and Scotch Cloths oo hand gocd work and a FlKST CLASS fit guaranteed Clotheaeaecian &, repaired jy71ra Tal Wo Wing Kee Co. 36 NUUAKU STRKET Dealera in Ladies' & Genta’ Boots and Shoes made to order. P O Box 387 j/* • ; TjlE MūMlCEAli POOL aad BILLTABD PAKLOK8 H. JUEN Froprietor Hotet Stmt nmNoam. \ Ktf ŪEpipKE tte Hawn Messeafer Semc« L. M. Joh5so.h, Manager TH3se BeQTri 559 OFT!CE to MA80NIC BUILDIXG W« kK :o