Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 170, 23 July 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
i The - Honolnlu - SOAP - =MODERN TIMES =-“ S-!Ol-A-IP.” ! Seventeen Bars of the Very Best Quality of SOAP for $4.26, Honest \Veight.” SOFT SOAP, ; n Tins of Forty-two Pounds. ♦1.25., Triple Pressed Stearic Wax Mining Candles, Manufactured by the Emery Candle Company of Cincinoati, at Fifteen Cents Per Pom»d. EŪNT SALT, In aacks of One Iīundred Pounds, at F5fty Ce»its per Sack, Ta"ble Salt Griven Away. PlEE'WOOE. ♦10 ?er Cord, Delivered to any Hoose in this City FREE OF CHARGE. W** J Quart Bottles Cfae Dollar Per Dozen; Pint Bottles Fifty Cents Per Dozen. Mutual Telephone 314. NTCOT. KIH A M- Bethel Street, Honolulu, H. I.
MACFARLA_NE & C0. Deakrs in Wines and Spirits Kaahamana Street, Honolala. J. PHILI4PS, PRACTICAL PLUMHEE, GAS.FITTER ;X)PPER-SMITH, Houae and 8hip Job Work Promptly Executed. No. 71 King Street, Honolulu. Dr. AT€HERLEY, M. R. C. 8. (Eug.) L. R. C. P. (Lond.) HA8 removed to 0FF1CE formerly occnpied by Dr. Foote, Cornkr of PCSCHBOWL AND BeRETANU StREETS. j Mal. 234, Bell841. FOR MALE. LQT AT IWILEI, HoNOiem. 0 Eiuiairc on the pīemiseo, or of JOE i>e 8ANTOa, ja’J9 Iw Aboard W. Q. Hall, NOTICE. All pereons are hereby prohibited from | tre*pas»ing or taking any thing from the : Und ofthe undereigned, »itnated at Maolea, Haua, Island of Maoi. MALIE MAUNALOA. ! Kalihinka, Oaha, Jane 28, 1894. ju28 Im |WM. DAVIES, Rio:ger, Stevedoro AND recker. £STIMATE8 AND CQNTRACT8 OK A£L KIKDS OP WQBK. I Inquire ai 0®pe of J. 8. Walker, over Spreokel8’ Bank, or Wright Bros Fort Street I dec 16.H . I A. S. MEDEIROS & CO.. I r' * NIeroliant r Tailors. ij| Amenean, Englwh and Scotch Tweeds on hand. First-claa* work gaaran(«ed. Hokl St-, «nder Ariiagton Honolnln jy 17-lmon. Anchor’>Saloon ; «AUSTRALIA. W i Another Invoice of the Worid Renowned FREDER!CKSBURG UGER BEER 6n dranght hj tho keg. Al«o, as & Specialty, SUALL PR£SH CAUF0RMIA QY&TER&i |jtQK OQCKT'AJXS * i»»yl Sm '