Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 170, 23 July 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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TH* Hawaiian KepuWie OFPICIAL LTST 0F MEM BERS ANl) LOCATION OF BDREADS. Kx*currr« Cocxcn.. 8. 8- rw. PnritJnt af U»* ProTinona' men: ot th« T*Usd«. u>4 Mts>«ter ol Rrrlri J. -V. Klne, Mtn!ster of the Interior. 8. X. Dumd. XiaM«raf n«uuice. W. O. 8alth. Attgnry^ra«i«L Advd»t Cocxctu W. e, WUder. Vtee-Pre«tdent al Ut« ProrUtona: GoT«rnment of th* HawniUn IiUnds. C. Bo!te. OtrU Brown. John No;t. Jotin Eei. Jubm P. Xotnn Ed. S ihr. <«. P. Mendon«a. Ch*». T. Rnl{ro, OooneiU John Enmeinih. B. P. Tmnry. W. F. An*n, Benrr WaterhotiM, A. Yoobc, F. X. Hatcn. Seeretary īi. a d Adr Stfbexk Coc«T. Hon. A. F. Jndd. ('hlef fajt‘.ce. Hon. R, F. B1okerton. FIrst As»tclate Juttire. Hon. W. F. Fre*r. ,<eoond Asaociate Ju>tic«. Henrr Smlth. Chlef CIerk, Geo. Lueaa. Depntj CIerk. C- F. Peterson.Seeond Depnty rierk. J. Wa2ter Joitea, Stenographer. Ci«ccrr Jcdg«8. Flnt Circult: |£*£5“g«*| °* hn 9econd dreuit: (Xaal) A. N. Kepoikal. Thudand FonrthClrenlts: (Hawal!)S. L. Anatln FlfUi Circult: (Kauai) J. Hardr. OWeea and Court-room In Oourt Uooae, Klnie street. Slttlng in Honolulu-īhe flr»t Mouday In February, Xay, August asd N«rember. Dira«rxkxr or Fobkiox Appaiaa. OfBce In Oapllol KulUlop, King street. Hla EKcelleucy Sauford U. Dole, Xint»ter of For«1gn AflWr». Oeo. C. Potter, Secret»ry. W. Horace Wrlght, Liouel Hart, C’erks. DBPArrMEjrror umaioK» Offlce In Cxecutlre Bn!idlng, Klng *treet. HU Excelleney J. A. Klng, Mlnlater of Interior. Chlef Clerk, Juhn A. Has» nger. AssU.ta.n Cwrka: James U. B«yt, X. K. Kaohokalole. Stephon Mahaulu, George C. Koaa Edward S. Boyd. Bcbkac op Acbiccltcbk amd Fobjutbt. Presldenl: His Excellencr the Mlniater of Iuterlor. Wm. O. Irwln, Allau Herbcrt. John Ena. Joaeph Manden, Commlaaloner and 8ecret«ry. CHIKP8 OP BUBXAC8, IXTKUOB DBPABTXB!n »urveyor-UeDeraJ, Vf. D. Alex»nqer. 8upt. Ptfbl fc Wor|», W. K. RoweTL‘ StfPt> Wa|er Wopk», Andrfcw Bro)fn, In»pector, EIectric Ughu, John Ua**U,-, • •• v «M0, II, uuii 8npt. Inaane A*ylum, Dr. A. McWayne. DlPABTXk}IT OP FlXA.TCX. Offlce, Executive Bultdlng, Klng «treet, XlnUter of Pinaneo, Hi* Excelleney 8. X Domon. Aaditor-General, George J. Roaa. R*gl*trarpf AeeounU. W. 0. Aahley. " t>«ce. B. A. Xelnerny. ColI«ctor-(»eneraI of CuRtom, Ja». B. eille. Tax Aaae*»or. Oahu, Jona. Shaw. Depoty Tax A.*sessotrW. e. W©adon Pu*tmaater Ueneial, J, xbrt o*t, ’"• Cc«roMS Kcrxac. Offlee, Cu»tom Houae. E«plaoade, Fort «treet Ooi lector-General, Jaa. B. Oaaiie. Omty-Colwctor* F. B. Xc8tocker. Harborma*t«r, eapUln A. Fuller. Port 3urreyor, X. H 8and«r». 8torekeeper, Georg« C. Stratem«y#r. ;DBPABTMgTT OP ATTOBF«Y Qb5KBAL. OHloa ln BxcenUr« Build!ng. Xio| «Ue*t-Attomey-General, W. O. 3mlth Deputy Atuwney.O«n«T*l, O. K. WHd»r 0«Tt,J r X «oa. XMmi, E. 0. Hiieheoek. Cto(ft U> Manhal, H. X. Dow. payity MM»hal. Arthnr X. Browo. Jaflor Oahu PrUen. J, A. Low. Prl»oa Phy*4clan, Dr. C. 3. Cooper. Boab» op Ixmiokatio«. A. Kixg. BU a. Oeehum. Jamca O. 8p*ucer Xark P 3«a«arT, Wr«y T«yIor. BOAJU> 09 SlAtl|. Ot&e«tn (ronads of Cwrt 1 MĪllianl «i «uM4!ng Fro»id«nt—H>n. W.OHmllh. B. .e. M myhtan. Dr. e. 8- Andrew«. 09 «OCCATtttJ. Coart e «. .W A. T.