Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 170, 23 July 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
DAINIPPON Hotel itreet (Arlington Block.) A Ab0T» Stojr receir»Hl »notb<i SpUdid Inroioe o( Japanese jSlLK, ANCY pOODS, Per S.S. “China.” —CX)lf PRPI5C — BEAUT1FUL SILK *AND CRAPE, Dt«im Qoods in »11 &bade, pUin and tigured. t’a«hion«, T*Ue Corer», Bed Corers, Qorrns, Chemue«, Shawls. Siili Crepe Hainiiow Silks, All Cok>re F»ncy Draperies, EIBR01DERED HNDKERCH1EFS Doillies, So.arfh, Sashea, Jacket«, Caps Etc., Etc. N0VELT1ES: l'he rriceso( these Goods will astoni»h yon •inclnding ELEOaNI SILK KIM0N08! HandsoDie Cigarette Cases, Pin Cnahions, Silk Tea Cossiee, LiKUE AM) SMALL JAPASESE RU«S Silk Umbrellas, light but strong; Chair Saddlea, Silk; Bamboo Blinda, titted with pulleys; Silk Lamp Shades, new style. JATANK.SK st KE»;XS, From $3 l |». LAR«E JAPA.\ESE UHBBBLLAS e' Can be Set with Pole in the ground, nioe for Pieniea or Lunches out o( doors, they eau be opcned ont or nsed as a tent. COTTON CRAPES |IN GREAT VARIETV jy insp«ction Uesj>ectfully k InTited. MRS. J. P. P. COLLCO, Proprietress. Aprl2-3um JUST ARRIVED, q 9 q BABY - CARRIAGES OF ALL STYLES, * A\ m 0PTA •\ — ZJ XK THE LATEST PATTERXS. “HOUSEHOLD SEWING MACHINES Hand Sewinq Machinss, |y All With the Latest Improremente^E) PAJRLOR Ors:ans, Quitai?s And.Other Maaioal Instrament« Wines, liquors, Beer ALWATS ON HAXD. AND POK SJLLE BY ED. H0FF8CHUEGEB l C0. King St„ oppo. Ca»tla A CookeV V PACiFiC SAL00N, CorneifKing aad Nnaenn Streete. SDW. WOLTEe....Maaagar. The Pineal Mkenoa o t LIQUORS aad BKEK, aold anywbere ia the town. FūM-ehM attandeaoa. CaŪ aad jadga