Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 170, 23 July 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]
The Repnblic of Ha* waii is to blame that the price of SOAP dropped ten per cent M and I am therefore eompelleil to sell one cjse, 100 pouiuU, of the very best quality of Soap— honest weight—for $4.50, and you will now get 17 Bars instead of 15 f>r 11.25; but it did not atfect the v price of Soft S,*ap. If you need &nytbing in tbis line pleaee ring up Mutual Telephone 314, and the Soft Soap Man will do the rest. tf B. BERGERSEN, (icncr»l Accnt for ,SING-ER & sewiis ra MACHINE COMP’Y. All Kinds of Needles for 9ale aml Repairiog Done. Damon’s Block, Bethel Street, Honolulu. P. O. Box 440. jy21 A. G. CORREA, HrATTORNEY AT UV.jfJ 307 Merchant Street, Honolulu. jy20 POUND MASTER’S NOTICE. Koliee is berebT giren to all p«noiia th&t lhere are tt th«* OoTenuacut Pound at U> kiki, four stray«<l honea. I poor ted hone, vhite spota on the for*heao. beck and on tbe left nde; bnod AF qnaer tmod on left hip; tvo biod fetloeks vhtte; 2 front boofa Mbod; on* bUck m&re, vbite *pot on (orebe&d &nd back; br&nd, • h«&rt; br&nd on lefl hip not distinct; eore b*ek: one b&j mare, whlle forehe«d; hr&od 2XHq; br&ad* oo left &nd rigbt hipe iudi»tinct; ooe bnj borve, fore fotk>ck vbito; br&ad oo nght hip M3; far&od on Mt not phūn. AIl uenooa ovning Mme &re radn«stod to l&ke the «une on or bdora 13 o’eloek noon SATUKOAV. AUQ.4 If94. JAMES KUKOKA. Ponnd M&&ter. M&kiki. Jnlj 21. 18M. Ī72i-dt Y. LUM SJXO, Dealer in Frnita and Oroceries. Fresh Frmto by Eveiy Califoroia Sleamer, Ereeh lsfand Botter S from Hawaii. 135 Fort 8treet. Cot!ee Roaated. P O- Box 169 Freah Island Prodaee, Goods Delivered to A»t Part of the Oity, jy21 •1*0 T(7EX KEE, TIN8M1TH axj> DEALEB IN T|SWAHE. Piping Laid «nd Bepaired. All Ordera Fromptly Attended to. Cbarges V«ry Moderate. C&1I aod See Ua. No. 222 Maonake* Uooolulo. jj20 \ba