Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 170, 23 July 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
P, O. Box 480. Mctcai TKt rpHoxr 24o. I The Cheapest Plaee on the Islands to Buy) NewandSecond Hand Furniture IS A.T THR CORXER OF King & Nuuanu Sts. I X L Honolulu H. I irs)
Oeeaniea) operVhodse ON Saturday Eve, July 28. OF THRILUNQ INTEREST. / Portraying the Eveuts roouecte»l wifti the Discovery of these Isl«nds by Oapt. James Cook, R.N., and the Death of the Intrepid Navigator, compi!ed from Reli»ble and Original Anthonties by D. M. Crowley, Anthor of the Wooing of Kaala. Speoial Scenery, CostntMs and Effects. OCEANICA will be Penorme<l by a Company of Well Trained (Hawaiian and Foreign) Ladies aud Gentiemen Amateur&, Box plan now open at L. J. Levey’s. REMEMBER, SATŪRDAY, JCLY 2Sth. Jyl8 PANĪHEON 8ALOON, FORT AND HOTEL ST3. Headanarters Baterpris8 Br&wim Cō. TUE Largest Consignme_ut of Beer that ever arnved here r now on Draught JyI4 J. DODD, Prop'r Pioneer 8hirt Factory ESTABLISHED I$8T. A. M. MELLI8, Proprietor, Fort 8t., (ūpalain) Honolulu. Good Fit. HEETIXG \OTICE. ALL RESIDENT MEMBERS OF THE universal orderof Bbotherhood of Max are reqneated to attend the oontinnona serrioe« held dnring the week ut the PANĪHEON, Cool inrigorating dranghts of Enterpriae Beer diapensed to thirsty pi1grima at Zwei for one qnarter. Hakry Millkk Dispencer in Chief. LIE SUIVG KEE, 49 KINO STREET, TINSMITH, a.vd DEALER I» QLAS8ware, Crockerv, Coal-Oil Storea, Water Pots—Plnmbing in All Ita Brancbea Faithfnlly Execnted. «ITOHAN, M |MPORTER asd DEALER Bi GENERAL I Merchandiae. Exclnairely of Japane«e Mannfactnre —WHOLE8AL E & RETAIL. 204 and 208 Fort Street. P. O. Box 116 Mntnal Tele. 592. jy 13 TO L£T or LEANE. Ahonae on King Strcet next toT. R. W«lk- 1 epa pnmiae containmg partor, dining , rocaa and three bedrooma, beaides kitcben > faathroom atsblea aad all modern conreni- ' encts —latelr occnpied by Mr. Bnsh«e. i Bentmrderatetoresponsihlēpartj. Addnaa jyl6 AHKAHAM FERNANDEZ i XOTlCE. PIOM THIS DATE, B. P. HOFF\CKER is alone anthorixed to drav draft or to gjr« ordet» for meraha&diae or auppliaa on behalf ol tbe Hawaiian Commercial aad \thk hawaiian COMMERCIAL amd SUGAR COMPANY C. A. Srnacuu, Oeoenl Man*ger. Jyl7-2w " Femandes & Gorikes —WHOLE8ALE—. Callfbmla Wlnea and 8pirits, 50$ Fort Sl, Hooolola, H- L P. 0. Box 436, MoUuU Ttha 140. *** . .