Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 170, 23 July 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
?ht &olomua <t alfndar. JULT 23. 1894. FOKCIC?l ,n*IL KEBTirC. 8te«mshipe will le«ve for »mi arrve frora San Pmneieeo «nd otfaer foreign porU, on ot abont tfae foiiowing d*te*, till the eloee of 1894. Leave Hovolcix Drm at roR 8a!« FRA>n«o. Fm. 8ax Fravcwco o« V*kcocvA. oi Vakcocte». Auauwli* Jane23 Au»tr»li»... .June 16 Monowai Jnne 28 Jane 23 W*rriinoo.... Jūly 1 M*npo«» Jaly 5 Aastrali* Jnlv 21 Anstr*li».... Jnly 14 Al*me<l» July 26 ' v *rrimoo.. . Jnly 23 Anwi Aag. 1 Monowai Aug. 2 Anstr*li*....Aug. 18iAu»tr*lj*... .Ang. 11 Manpoua Ang.23 Ar*w* An K . 23 W*rrin>oo 8ept. 1 Afauned*.... Ang. 30 Austr*i*....Sept. 15 Anstr*li* Aept. 8 Uonov*i..,.Sept. 22"»»Tunoo., .Lept.2ā Ar*w* Oct. 3 M*ripos* .. .Lept. 27 Anstnli« Oct. 10 Austr*li* .... .Oct. 6 Al*med* Oct. 18 Ar*w* Oct. 23 W«rrimoo.... Sor. 1 Monow*i ... ,Oct. 25 Anstr*lia ...Xov. 10 Au«tr*li* Nov. 3 M*ripos*... .Nor. 15 Al*med*.... Nov. 29 Araw* Dec. 1 W *rrimoo.. .Nov.23 Anstr*li* Dec. 8 Anstr*Ua.... -Dec. 2 Mouowai ... .Doc. 13 Manpow... Dec. 20 W«rrirooo....Dec. 30 Ar«w* rt Australi*... .Dec. 31 VEMSKLN II* PO«T. saval vissns. 088 Phil*delphi*. B«rker. H B M 8 ehampion. Rooke, V«nconver. MEKTHANTMES. Am l»k 8 C Allen, Thom«on, S«n Francisco Bktne W II Diroond. 8m Francisco. Oer »hip Mari< Hackfield, Kruse, L’Pool. Bk Anorew Weleh, Drew, Shu Francisco. Bk Alfaeri, GrifBlhs S*n Fraucisco. Bktne Planter. Dow. Laysan Island. Aui bktue 8 N C*stle, Hnfab*rd, Han Fr«n. 8chr II W Bartlett, I«land. Schr Aloha, Dabel, 8an Francisoo. poKEUil V»SSEL!I KXPKT£D. Aro l.k W 8 Phelp» ... Oray s Har ... Dne Schr Allen A SF (Muh) -due Schr Rol>ert Leweni... Oray’H b’r Due Hklne Inngard 8au Fran ..July 20 Bark R P Kitchet San Frau.. .July 23 C A 8 8 Wanimoo Vanoonver. .Jnly 24 B«rk Annie Johnson .8 F(Hilo)...Jnly 26 R M 8 8 AlamoAa 8ydney Jnly 2») B«rk 8enta Liverpool.. 4 uly 30 C A 8 S Ar*wa N S W Ang. 1 O S S Mariposi S F,...Ang. 2 Am fak Amy Tnrner.. .New York.. Ang. 2 OSS Australia S«n F Ang. 11 Brbk Aleiandra....Ncwoastle...,Aug. 14 R M 8 8 Mariposa... ,8ydney.... Aug. 23 Bk G N \Viioox Middlesfaorough. Aug 25 P M 8 S China San Faan.. ..Sept. 3 Bark Rontenbeok Liverpool. ..Nov. 23 BASEBALL. The Kamehamehas Ahead. The ball game helween the Kams aiui Hawaiis was very poorly attemlecl. lt is evitient that people are gotting dif?gasted after the “aell” of the Crescents. The Kams played an excellent game whieh is more than ean be said fo' Uie Hawaiia. The game will probably be the last o( this aeason as the Cresoents have with drnwn from the league. lf a radieal change in the behavioor o( the young gntrtblers is not made, il will probably nlao be tbe last of tho league: KAMRf1AMKHA8. 8CORE BY INNlSOS. CirM. 12S456"89 K*meh*roekas 12 1901 l ō 0 4— 9 H&waii» «001)0000 2-4 Time of gimc. One honr *nd 50 minute«. K*roed jnns; Kamt 4, H*w*iis I. B**e ep b*Uet By Lemoo, 2; b(y MoOoniaion, 4 Jwo b*ae hita: Mahuka and Wūe. Tbree h*(e hita, Mahnk* *nd Koki. Douhlc pUyi H*ri, Willi*. K**e, 2. B»*c on B*IU: By Laumn i, by MoCorrtaton 4. Paa*ed b*Ua: P*b*n l, Bridgee 2, Pryce 2. Stn»ck ont: By L««on 1, by Mahnk* 11. r«p»re*: K*ia and Wise Mr. Gonsalves & Co. have • oard in another oolooin. This oU and higbiy rt8peeUbie |rm carrieā o fine stock o( gener«l mercbandise aud aro importers of exoeIlent winea. Their aioek of soap eaiii ihe specitl attention o(»11 houaekeepem. .... * * e * *