Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 170, 23 July 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

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Tlie Crescents aiul H:nvaiis will, very probably, play next | Saturday ut tbe Recreation Grouuds. Mr. MiUon F. Flood au experienced naturalist and taxedermist went forward to Molokai today by the Mokolii on a bird-hunting expedition, It is surprising that the numerous temperance people don’t take up “Hop Beer.’’ It is. especially when iced, one of the most refreshiug aud thirst - queucliing drinks ever intro<luced here. And it ha§ the absolute advantage of being non - intoxicating. It is very similar to the best kind of home raade beer a% used in Europe and Araerica. Mr. Brehan on Bethel Street is the sole manufacturer. The Club Stables under the present management have gained a bigher standing than any oihei livery stubles in town. The hnest turn outs, and safest horses, and the most reasonable terms are to be found there. A party of gentleraeu were obliged to go across the P ali on important bnsioes8 last Friday. Mot wishing to go oh horseback they hired a span from the Clnb Stables and when theyreturned over the Pali yesterday horses had not alone carried them throngh their perilous jonrqey but looked as hesh and iu as good a condition as - ever before. Patronize the Club Stables if you want good service.

$and Ooncert. There wiU be an open air pnblic eoncert, this eveoing by the band, at £mma Hquare. The concert will eominenee at 7:30 o’eloek and will continne nniil abont 9:45 o’eloek witb an intermission between Following is tbe programme: r«n i 1. Ow^oie —“Rnbexh<J” Flotow 2. Conwt Solo—“Love &nd Tmth" SelKmg Mr. ChaHes Kreuter. 3. F*nUsū—“The Pnnc««s Air’ ehmu 4. Sel«ction —"P Pr*vo. J ...... $ercod*nte pa*t it. 5. Qa*drille —“M*d*n»e Angol” .Leeooa M*rch—**The C. S. 8. Phikdri6. ohi**' Bemr 7. “S«pentineD*nee”..............Oillel i Q*lop —“W*Uy” Heia*dor( “H*w*ii Ponoi.”