Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 170, 23 July 1894 — LADIES COLUMN. [ARTICLE]

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Yoo t<iak our s««lr’se I-«»t «eek •nd h.ive pnl'ile»! by our Ho®5ery offer. and we ihiuK »*re ti-ti -d 1 you have th* <f ihe B=»rjt in. ■ there are not tnany left, but tbere j i« go at our Cut Prce. All throagh thb week y»>ur n’il* ing faces will mean tbe B!ue? to u«. as we see Bandle atVr Band!e of | Victoria Livnr g*>ing out « f the siore at 75 ceuts for 10 yards—aml i Merrimac Prints at 50 eeuU b>r 10 yards—and tiingh.tms, that are Ginghams, 12 yard« f»»r II — r - Brow.i C »ttons 16 yWrda for II, cjii you blame us for ljavire the Blues when you are carrying off gocds at thrge prices? Th:s thing g<»ee on all the week. \VEDNESD AY, J ULY 25, raarks another day of Sacrific*e »<> far as we are concerned. CoU»red Wool Dress Goods (all wool) you hsve | paid us 75 cents f»r a.une C!ass ol Gocds. Now thev are vours at 50 r cents a yard. These goo<l8 are worth buying if you don’t make them up for a year. They are all New Goods and Patterns. SATURDAY. JULY 2S, takes in everything, but the Hemnanl Buyers will have it al! t ! >e ; r own way. Every pieee we have g *es >ut reserve at ynur nwn pric<*s— ts a pienie f>r you, hut we want the roora for New Goods. Underweir is receiving o«r st>ec;al aitention. the mark do\vn has b-*;n gener.il all through our Sn>c; , in fict the furdimental law of onr houpe is to seil «t a very sma!l pr -lil in every Department the d<vs ••f fncy prioes are over. N"ext weeie ynu will hear s nnething t<> y <*;r interest. V»>urs ele , R. F EhIerH«fc« . jy«8rtf