Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 170, 23 Iulai 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]
! Mr. Jobn Magaire lcavea for bis bome on H »waii tomorrov. Mr. C. W. Asbford wiil be cff; (or Mani toraorrow afterooon Hisbop Golstao bas retnrned bitber frora his trip to Mani. * There are no passengers booked for tbe Warrimoo ~ Mr. H. Spreckels arrived from : I Mani yestenlay in the steamer. Claudine. Over 11,000 bags of sngar were ; broagbt to port bere daring the last forty-eight boars. The Mokolii, Capt. McGregor, will sail for Molokai and Maai at 5 o’eloek tbis p.m. Judges Jadd. Frear aud Bick- j erton are enjoying their annual j j vacations. Judge Cooper presides in Cbambers during this, coming, week. - Tbo Canadian and Aastralian steamer Warrimoo is due here to ‘ morrow from Vancom*er B. C. ! I L. J. Levey holds un auelion | sale of the bousehold furniture of Mr. W. Maertens tomorrow at 10 n.m. Col. Lee of the Volcano Hoone reports that tbe territory of Mad«rae Pele is ‘ great shakes” at proseut. ‘ Oeeaniea’’ the new Hawaiiuu historieal draraawill be presented kt the Opera House next SaturI day evening. ! The iuter island steamers eame , to port here Saturd«y and Sunday crowded with passengers and well filled with freights. A varied and valuable lot of furniture will be sold by J. F. Morgan at the residence of Mr. Kalph Foster on Kunanu street on Wednesda}-. Overheard ou the Pbiladelpbia after dinner: only one life between raeself and the throne thash’s Dole.” — (mo*es.) Justice Bickerton was the first one of the Supreme Court judges to advertise himself ns the Snpreme Conrt, Repnblip of Haffaii.” The atteution of house-keepers, and the heads of all well regulated families, is called to the notice of J. F. Morgan in this issue. Read, digest, and be presont to invest. The bridnl cabin of tbe steamey Mokolii bas been placed, by the kindnoss o{ Capt. McGregor, at tbe disposal of ‘‘twohearts whieh now beat as one” on thia eveniog’s trip to Molokai£blers & Co. are addressing the ladics to day with new indacemeuts and irresisteble temptations. Duriug this week the bargaiu sale will mostly be in tbe line of dress-goods, and tbe present prices are so that tbe snperior stuff carried by the old firm is within the reach of everybody. Road, girls, wbat manager Gnnn has to say in nnotber eolumn. Mr. “Jaok*’ Atkinson the popular promoter o( rpwing races »nd other“square” athletic sports i bas made a bicycle record by a 1 ride to tbe Volcano of Kilaoea ; from Hilo in fonr bonrs and ten | minutes, cam‘iug his wheel over a mile of tbe rongb portion o(the pad. Captain u Jack”Lee, wellknown here in Honoluln is in heape of trouble with his erew aod fhe bark T«mp.ar, %t Gallao Pera. lndications seem to poini to a probable compolsory sale o( the vesael to settie the wagea o( the orew and other dobts incarred at that pori Uoder the sapenrision of Mr. T. R. Lncas rapid ptogre— is being made the work o( erecting the new brick atorea for Messrs Allen and Robmaon and nbw qaickly assuming shape «t ihe foot of Kaahamann streetCoptaios Weir and Gihon rosde ahort work of ihe job of plaeia g the iron pillan in poeiiioa. I». • * » | • • »