Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 170, 23 July 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Auction Sale _ OF — Stoves, Ranges &, Agateware« On Thursday, July 26th At E o'eloek M. »t mr S*k>rvx>m, I wiU SeO »t PnbUc AnctK»o. » Coksi?n*afnt oi NEW STOVES, 3 sizes; 4 MON’AKOH RAXGES. | \Vlth Elcv»ted Ovei», »nd a L»r*« Line of IRON-CLAD ENAMEL-1 ED WARE, j Comprisins Coffee and Teapob>. Sauoep»ns. j j Pot*. Hice ttoiler», ete. Goods now on ' iew. JAS. MORGAN, | july23 Auctioneer. i Auction Sale ol Rice r*lantatation at \V aikiki-kai. In persuance of instructions from HO Sl S of Ewa, Island of Oahn. H. I.. the mortpmpec i named in a Chattle Mortg*ge, executed by ! CHEON’« KIM TAI, dated Octob«r 34th, ! 18U3, and recorded in Liber 139, pages 257-8, 1 1 «hall »eU to the hi«best bidden at anelion, at mr Sales Room, Honolnln, on SATL’KDAY 1 Uie ĪJth d*y of Jnly, 1894. *t 13 o'eloek noon. the follo»inir property, viz: Tlie Kiee Plant*tioti, known as the Cheong Kim Tai, (formerly the Yee Hop Co), PlanUI tion, ut W aikiki-kai. Honoluln, inclading all leases of lands cmbraccd therein, on whieh 1 ure dw*Uing house, outhouses, threshing 1 floor and equipmenW of a weU conducted riec i piant*tion; also *11 the unplementB of oultV vation, horses, wagon, etc. A schednle of the leases and other proi>erty concerned may be seen *t the otfice of C. W . Ashkord, Attorney for the Mortgagee. Terms of Sale. C*sh, Deeds at espense of ; purehascr. i L. .T. Levey, Auctioncer. T. B. Murray 0 I» Yet to be Fonnd On the Old Nfand, Ko. 44 King »t,—Hi» Bu»iiieM us CARRIAGE and Goes On. When the “PE0PLE8’ PARTY” gets smashed he will be ready to EEPAIE, PAIKī AND T81IIT At a Reasonable Figure.— No £xtra Charge for Fumishing them with Oommon Sense. LET THEM RING UP MUTUAL TELEPHONE 572. jy216m City - Carriage C0BPMiY Blacksmlth Shop | 107 KINO STHEET \ D. I(. BEjT, j Blacksmith Work ‘ ‘ m -1 CarHagt Repalrlng In all ita Branebea, at Bed Rock Prkes. Oieouaa Call and w