Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 169, 21 July 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

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Young Woods the boy ex-pitch er of the Crescent club, and who was lately shot and horsewbipped is still in tbe HospitaI, tbe pistol ball being yet imbedded in Lis | thigh. Dust is plentiful agaiu today and rude Boreas played bavoe with the head-gea< and furbelows ; of visitors to the doparting Australia, when returniug homewards by the Esplanade. — Capt. Whitney of tbe yacht ! Helene feels well pleased over tbe performance of his yacht, on tbe late run to Pearl River and baok. the Helene beatiug tbe Hawaii, easily, both ways. Tbe poliee autborities kuow well ihe location of several pro minent gambling dens patronized : by white people and action de6n- j ite, strongand immediate, should be takeu to suppress tbem. The stearaer Australi« left for San Francisco at a littie past noon amid the straios of music from the band, a bombardment of flowers between departmg passengers and the friends left behind, a flutter of bandkercbiefs and many expressed good wisbes from 1 the large ctowd gathered on tbe wbarf.

At m meetiogof the stockholders of W. O Irwin & Co. iuld on ihe 19th inst.. ihe fullowing gentle> men were elected uffieers of tbe corpcr»U->n for the eosomg yeer, ▼i*; W. O. Irwin. pres dent end m«n>ger; Col Cl«ua Spreckel«, ▼ioe-preeident; W*lter M. Oifhid, seeretnry nnd tre«sarer; Ck£orter »»di|or. The reporte showed m proeperoos pMt