Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 169, 21 Iulai 1894 — A NEW PARTY. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


They Are Breaking Up! A correspondent writes to us | from Hilo that there is troable io the *‘repablicau” eamp. A meeting of tbe p. g. supporters i was cal!ed and the new republic and constitntion were ronnd!y | abosed. The citiz3ns pre*ent | at ibe meeting were all dead ī against tbe governrnent, although | I tbey had sustained the p. g. | | against the monarchy. The new . | constitution was declared an out- ■ rage and the members from . I •• • | Hawaii to the conveution were labelled “bought” and “numbskulls.” A new party was formed whieh will oppose the present i o!igarchy as well as a return to ihe monarchy. The principal speaker, thongh, beld that the constitution of 1887 with Liliuokalani was preferable to the ! constitutioa of 1894 with Dole.