Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 169, 21 July 1894 — Another Outrage. [ARTICLE]
Another Outrage.
Last night, three young Hawaiiana were retnrn ; ng from a fishing excnrsiou. When tbey reaobed S'uith Bridge. one of them who o«rried a bag eooiaioing the fishing linea and soeie fiah was rudely halted by a foreign polieeman, who shoved a pisto! iuto his face and demaaded ihai he ‘*immedi«tely drup Ihai bag" The demand was oonplied with and the servact of Iho Manhal looked as big a fool as does bis superior. In “ the fotare. the fisbermea wUl go hee Ud and shoot anybody. be it polioo or highway-man who atkNnpli lo ftop