Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 169, 21 July 1894 — OUR ADVERTISERS. [ARTICLE]

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Home Pertim«nt P«inta for People to Ponder Over. A l«te arrival eame to onr of6ce a few days ago anel eompiained becanse tbe advertising svstem iin tb is town w?s so poorly ar—ranged. He said tbat he eame i here with a littie 4apital and dej sired to make Hoaolnln a perma nent home for hpnself and bis family but felt at a loss wb»t to do and where to go for the ne- : cessaries of Iife. He said bc never saw soch a pforly advertised commanity as Honoluln apparenti > s - ' Well, we to!d the poor fe!low to Lave patience for a few days • and we decided to take a sLort trip to tLe offices aud stores of our Advertisei8 and sLow strangers wLere to go and wLo are enterprising men. \ If our frieod sLould wisL to ■ reut a Louse we advi.se Lim to eall on Mr. Bruce CartwrigLt i wLo as a manager of raany estates Las a large number of cottages ; for rent suitable to all condifions. If Lis desire is to build a h\ise our friends Redwartl, Tbomas anel Bertelmann will be ready to un«lerbid eaeh other for tho sake of aocomodatiug a stranger. Before building tbe Louse it may be :is well to Lave proper deeds and drawn and f «raons attorneys likeNeumann, Pertersou, G. W. Ashford, Creighton, V. V. Asbford, Rosa and Correa will always be \villq|g to “make papers” for a fee, the size of whieh, tbougb, ean onlybeequalled by the cbarges of the oa!y plumber John Phillips w’Lo on account of the hard times Las beeu found ready to do all the plumbing fixing in a house at a very reasonable 6gure —compared f witb plumbing figures elsewhere Plullip doesn’t take advantage of bis monopoly as tbe only plumber. Wheu tho house is ready aud the deeds certified by Cbas. T. Gulick the uotary public it is proper for the new r resident to eall on H Lose who will insure tbe bouse agaiust fire and earthquakes (the latter don’t get Lere,) and tben tbe proprietor, if wise, will insure Lis life at C. O. Berger’s office. After all this is done be may begin to furuisb Lis Louse, First, though, he sbould surrouud his grounds with a neat feuce and he is iudeed fortunate if Le at the Hawaiian Hardware Company’s store ean obtain an elegiiut iron fence isimilar to the one now placed around the premises of monager IIendry. A visit to Hofischlaeger & Co’s store will tben be of advantage. Mattiug, rugs and maay other nocessaries ean be had tbere and as a speciality we recommeud the pianos sold by that firm. We know soniething abont pianos and we are ready to stjate that uo other bouse imports instrnments whieh ean be compared to those sold by the old firm mentioned. Furuiture is the next thing and of course Ordway & Porter are the rigbt men to eail on. lf the purse is getting slim tbe I. X. L. will fill tbe bill anddeliver socond Land goods at a very reasonable figure. To make tbe bouse look cosy and really elegant for a small figure the stranger shonld pay a to the Dai Nippon where Japanese goods are to be fouud in abundauce. Tbe liohan is not very mueh behind in a fine assortment and at Wing Wo Tai’s store a man or a woman oan be shopping for days. The cigars in the last mimed plaee are good enongh to hold a man there for ever. _ The kiiehen bas then to be atteuded to Of conrse tha Hawaiian Hardware Co. has the largest and most eompleie stock in tbe town but tbe stores of Ho Yen Kee on Nuuauu StreetNo. 41 and Sing Youen Kee on Mauna kea street No. 222 oan be visited with advantage. But a kitcben with tmware alone is b <rdly eompleie and the touseholder must therefore 611 hia iarder witb groeeme from H £■ Melntyre or (rom H. May Jk Co. Tbe deliea* oiea at ihe 6rst named plaee *re aimplj lamooa and the other hooae (onuahaa yoo with aome cofiee—nerer mtnd try iL Ohopa aod roa«t and the joieieet aaoa-

ages are alvavs to be foand at tbe City Meat M irket and Joe Tinker wili accomodate you by telliog yon erery evening throngh telaphone how his kidney, )iver and tripe are. But man does not live alone on groceries and beef. Where bread and milk are to be procored we cannot tell but we know tbat the finest assortment of wine, beer and liqnors ean be promptly obtained eitber at Lace’s. or Macfarlane's or at Fernandes «fc Gomes. If yoa bny yonr shem* at the first plaee, i yonrchampagneandyonrAnhens- 1 er beer at the second and your CaIifornia wine at the third yon won’t get fooled. At Loces yoa I ean also generally b*iy a white monse or another boar. Before the stranger goes down town he mnst have a carriage. The 1I<>nolula Carri»ge Manufactory under the care of W. W. Wright will build a snitable one and so will T B. Murray if the “people’s party’’ d<>esn’t object. Botb manofacturers will turu out first class work and always be ready to repair «fter a smash up. Bnt who will be smashed up? When our friend will sit qniet iu his carriage and only take a little Long Life M T hiskey and an Oyster Cocktail frorn the Anchor Saloon and confine himself to one BnffaIo Beer at the Pacific, and just stop long enongh at the Patheon to taste a glass of Enterprise beer and run across one of the Criterion’s famous gin cocktails,andlook into the Empiie for some of the nearly hnndred year old Portwine or eall al’i-he Commercial for a small Lohengrin beer rua into the Merchant’s Excbange for a herring and a frozen ubsinthe and fiuish at the Bay Horse with the “fat Boy’s” finest how, we say under suoh circumstances ean the stranger b« smashed. He will be in perfect condition to t.ike his wife into the store of B. F Eblers Co. leavo her shopping and flirting, aod go himself to a tailor and order a fine suit. fbere are plenty ready to serve him. If he has no prejudices against Chinese, he ean be served at very reasonab!e figures, and get a very good fit either by Kwong Sing Loy. next to the Holomca oftice, Chock Loek, Nuuanu street, 48; C. T. Akana, Nuuanu street, 324; or Wing SingChan, Nuuanu street, 320. lf he is anti-Asiatic Medei ros & Company near the Arling ton will supply him iu a m'nule. While his wife is still listening to Hugh Gunn’s silver tongue at Ehlers’ store hubby ean tak a run iuto tbe Mid Oeean Bdliard parlor where Harry Juen will give him a few gratis lessons in h <ndliug the eue. When it is time to letch his wife home, our friend should take her to a shoe store where snpplies for both ean be found. Thero are Gertz’s store or Tai Wo Wiug Kee Company’s establishmeut or an inspection might be made of Kwong Sing Loy’s fine stock. All sell as good and mueh cheaper than any of the bigh toned ‘raanu{actnrers’ np town. After all these purchases havo been made, we don’t doubt that the citizen of this repuhlie will have that tired feeling. We thea advise him to eall a bov from the messenger service at tbe Masonic Building; *&end him down to L. J. Levey and instruct that leading auctioneer to dispose of the house, the furnitare and everything else, and then get money enough to go down to the O. S. S. office aud take a few steerage tickets for the Golden Gate.