Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 169, 21 July 1894 — The Custom House. [ARTICLE]

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The Custom House.

Mr. Hatch’s pereonjl organ tbe Star is daily attacking the opposition to Mr. Hatch’s regime in a roost violent manner. When the tw«ddler who at present writes for the Star and who evidently ean change his opinions as he ean his coat — when any body is fonnd ready to pay for a ch.mge of coat — gets exhansted in his muddled and unintelligible attacks and ean find no epithets or charges against the royalists he takes his refuge in calling them boodlers, opium sraugglers, aud the essence of corruptuess. We dou’t consider it worth our while to take mueh uotice of Mr. Hatch’s hireling A few years ago he was as vigorous in his attacks on the men who now are his backers and the present goverument and the only ditrereuce is that his articles in tbose davs were mueh clearer and mneh better written Not, thongh, because he was less muddled at that time. but because somebody efto wrote thera for him. llut as we say it is not worth our while to notice him He will soon be ont o{ the Star and ready to change his tuue if Mr. W. R. Castle should fail to give him Atkinson’s job as school-iuspoctor, exactly as he did when the Naiional Reform party refusod to give bim Atkiu son’s job as school-iuspector, because it realized his good qualifications for 11 ot getting ih-* When he refei-s to opinm smuggliug and corruptuess, thongh, he is not serving Mr. Hatch and his otber bosses very welL Opium sn uggliughas uever reached such dimeusious as it uow does under the regimo of Dole-Hutch «fc Co. Not a solitary seizure of opium has been made siuce Mr. J. B. Castlo was appointed CollectorGeneral. The officers uuder him aro either corrnpt or incompetent. Opiom is quoted at a lower figure thau over beforo. A large lol was lauded frorn the Australia nnd the market is flooded. Witbin tho last raonth or six weeks two cargoes of the contraband goods have boen landed aud “cnched” on a certain small islaiul. And while certain officials sit openly nnd divide the spoils wiih the meu on the Australia. Mr. J. B. Castlo and lillle Hatch snort arouud and encourage their organ to write about the ,, rotten” monarcby, the opium ring aud tbe corrupt officials. Fancy, dear readers, wbut ean he done under the very uoses of our vigilant customs officials. Last night the warehouse of W. G. Irwin Co., on the Oeeanie Steamship dock was eutere«l by some person. The surmise is that the burglar supposed. that the money with whieh tbo dock laborers were paid to day was deposited iu the office of the dock-manager. The intrnder out his way with n hatohet through one of the doors opening out to Fort street, and evidently escaped that way. lu the iueuutime the vigilant eoaiom officers stationed wilhina fewyards on the wharf watching the Australia, saw nothing, heard nothing and knew nothing. In the times whieh now are so severely coudemned by Messrs Hatch’s and Castle’s official organ such thmgs did not happeu. Tbe immaeolaie “republicau” govemmeni iepealcd Ihe opiom lieenee law, bccause the licensed importation of the drug was haid to be immenl and pernioious. There U more of it in Ihe country today ihau ever befoxe, and it is cbeaper than even in 8au Fraucisoo aod Victoria. lt would be well for Mr. Haloh’a "exclasive” editor to look oeeaaiooaily at the plank in his own eye before braying ahoui iūe mole detecied in tbe eye o! hia neighbor. i