Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 169, 21 Iulai 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

{lialional īron Woi^ QV£XS Stkeet, Between Alakea & Bichard Sts THE UKPEBSIGXED m pnptnd lo make «11 kinds of Iron Btiss. Bpon*e, Zicc, Tin nnd Le*d C«ctings. Alao . Genenl B«ptir Shop for Eu^iew, Kioe ililk, Com Milla, W*tex WkeeU, Wind Milla, etc. Maehinee for ih« C1eanīng o t Coffee, Castor Oila, B«ans, Kamie, Km], Pineapple Leares Jt other Pibrons PIants, And Paper Stook Also Uiehinn for £xtrectiūg Starch froa th« Manioo, Arrow Root, eUr. B r All Ordere promptiy attended to. WHITE, RITMAN CO. LEWIS & C0. Wholesale and Retail Gro AND PROVISION DEALERS. - FRĒSR CAUFORNIA 8AIM0N ONICE By Every 8an Prencisco Stoamer. Salt Salmon IN_BaRKEL3 a Specialtt. iii Fori Sfi, Honolulu. Tel. 240, *• PO. Box 297. Fov Sale I Two fine bred Boars. ESS£X anel CHESTER. App!y to SEABORN LUCE, On Merchant Street. jy 5th. tfldT0!$ paVilioq Hutel and Bethcl St* Will l)e CIosed for 2 Weeks Jy 19 J. A: VICTOR, Prop r. Wiag: Sia« NO. 330 NTTANC STREET, HONOLULU 2v£erclxaj3.t Talloz A fine asaortcnent of Amen’ean, English and Scotch Cioths on band gocd work and a F1RST CLASS fit guaranteed Ciotheseaec!dn & repaired jy7Im Tal WoWing Kee Co. 3« NUUANU STREET Dealers in LaUiea’ <fc Gents’ Boots and 8hoes made to order. P O Box 28T jy9 TjlE HID-0CEi[i PŪOL aad BILLIABD PAKLOH8 H. JUEN Proprietor Hotd SCrcet ne*r Naoann. \ IEtf OEpipHE the iw’n MessengeF Sroe L. M. Jo8ssos, Manager Mntnal1«lSW ’ BellT«iiW OmCl In MASONlC 3LTLDINO W« arc «ipwi UI we wfll io tU reat