Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 169, 21 July 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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F. GflRTZ. HAS KE OI’ENLI) HIS Boot & Shoe Store, Opposite the Club Stable on Fort Street. and will be glad to see his old fnends. may7-tf. Motval Tki.. j66» P. O. Bo* 158. WING WO TAI & CO., No. >5 Nocano Street, Honou.lv, H. I., Commision Merchants, —IVPORTU4S .0»l> DEALEKS IX— Generai Merchandise. Fine Manila Ciears, Chine»e *nd Japane$e Crockerj-ware, Mattings, Vases ot all kinds, Campborwood Trnnka, Rattan Cbairs. A Fine Assortnient of Dress Sllk». Choicest Brand» of Chine»e and Japancse Teas of Late»t lmportations In*pttlion o/ Xtw Good» rt»pettjvUy mliud. joly6. CALIFORNIA Wine Company 407 F0RT STREET, Mclnerny Block. J0BBERS 0F WINE8, and SPIRITS Merchant Exchange Conwr King ana Nnnann StreeU. S. L 8«AW..,.lUiuser. The Fioest wlectk>n of LIQU0BS tnd BE£B. aold anjwbere in the towa. i First-cl&ss ait*sdaBee. Call and jndge (or yoniaeif. no 113-tf. GHA8. OIHOLEH, Importer aiiti Commission Merchant SFBCULTnBt J. k P. Coato’ Maehine Thnad Bari»arS linen Thnad F.OJ U CHOCK IXX)K., Merchant Tallor, No. 48 Nuuau* Honoinlu. oi oa haad. Good