Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 169, 21 Iulai 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
BRUGE GARTWRIGHT Business of a Fidnciary Natnre Transacted. Prompt attendon given to the management of £states, Gnardianships, Trusts, etc., etc., etc. Otfices, : C<x.'iwright BuiUimg, Merchant 8treet. Honolnln “FAT BOY.” BAYH0RSE33 8AL00N I P. McINEENY, Pboprietor, Fine Liquors, Wines and Beer. Corj.fr Dktof.l ast) Hona Sts. CITY CARRIAGECO. Corner KING and BETHEL St. CAREIAGES, AT ALL HOURS. • Both TeJephones No. 113. J. S. ANDRADE, Manager. june lo-tf. H. LOSE, ;NTotary !Public. Collector and General Business Agent. Paieniee of Lose’s Chemical Cqmpoukd for Clarifying Cane Jutce. Sub-Agent for *sevcral of the BeM FIRE INSURANCE COS. Mulnal 'l'elephone h. P. 0. Box 338. Merohant streei, Honolnln. H. MAY & Co., Tea Dealers, Coffee Roasters ANI) Provision Merchants 96 Fort Street. Honolnln Famīlies, Plantations and Ships supplied with ehoieeel European <kAmerican Grocerie$ California Produce by Every Steamer. LQST. * A FOX TEUEI£E BiTCH. to tbe name of •'Paleh." A reward will be paid for ber recovery at the Aoohor . ooroer o| l(aaaim and Woou