Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 169, 21 July 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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M ' ‘ « The - Honolulu - SOAP - HOUSE t MODERN TIM E S — i —“S-lOl-A-|P.”-= Seventeen Bars of the Very Best Q,nality of SOAP for $1.25, “ Honest Weight.” SOFT SOAP, 5n Tins of Forty-two Pounds. $1-25. CAIVD3L.ES, - Triple Pres8ed Steario \Vax Mining Candles, Manufactored by the Emery Candle Company of Cincinoati, at Fifteen Cents Per Pound. KITOHEN SALiT, In Sacks of One ITundred Pounds, at Fifty Ceuts per Sack. Table Salt Given Away. - hee*wood, $10 per Cord, Delivered to any House in this City FBEE OF CHARGE. j : . | TTI 2 Quart Bottles One Dollar Per Dozen; Pint Bottles Fifty Cents Per Dozen. Mutual Telephone 314. NIOOL A.8 BREHAM. Be thel Street, Honolulu, H. I,

MACFAELANE & C0. Dealers in Wines and Spirits Kaahumana 5treet, Honolulu, J. PHILL1P8, PRACTICA.L PLCMBER, GAS.FITTEK DOPPER-SMITH, House and Ship Job Work Promptly Executed. No. 71 King Street. Honolulu. Dr. ATC HERLEY, M. R. C. 8. (Eng.) L. R. C. P. (Lond.) HAS REMOVED TO OFFICE FOBMERLY oecupied by Dr. Footo, Corskr of Ptschbowi.'and Bf.reta.nia Mnt. 234, BeD 84L jn29 Im * FOR SALE. HOCSE asd LOT AT IWILEI. HoNot-fLC. Enqnire on the premisea, or of JOE de SANTOS, ju29 Iw Abwd W. G. Hall. NOTICE. AU person9 aro hereby prohibited from trespassing or taking any thing lrom the lana of the undersigned, situated at Muolea, Haua, lalaud of Maui. MALIE MAUNALOA. Kalihiuka, Oahu, June 28, 1894. ju28 Im WM. X?AVIES, Rie:ger, St©v©doro Wivcker. E8TIMATES AND CONTBACTS ON ALL KIKD8 OF WOBK. Inquire at Office of J. S. L Walker, over Spreckela' Bank, or Wright Broe Fort Streekl d*)16-U 11 — — »| A. S. MEDĒ1R0S & CO.. Merchant Tailors. Amehean, Engli*h and Sootob Twe$ds on hand. Fi«t-claai Tork guaranteed. Hoiel 8t., under Arlington UoUl, Honolnln i jy 17-lman. Anchor-;-Saloon Ek “AUSTRAUA,”_ Another Invoice of the World 1 Kenowned FREDER!CKSBURG UGER BEER 1 Od dmoght ud by Um k«g. Also, *s a Specialty, Snm Fnm G4UF0KHM 0YSTERS, FOB COCKTAiLS I»rt 3»»