Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 169, 21 July 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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DAINIPPON Hotel street ( ArUiij{tou Bloclr.) A kbore Store receiTed uu>tber 8pieadid Luroioe o( j!aPANESE jBlLK, Pcr S.S. “China.” —co*rEisi>a— BEAUT1FUL SILK JAND CRAPE, Dress Good» in ail shade, pUin and fignred. Cu*hions, Tab!e Ooeei*, Bed Covera, 6otm, Chtmisea, Shawk. S0k Crape Rainbow Silks, AU Colore Fancy Draperies, ESBROIDEEED HNDKEBC m rs DoiIlies, Scarfs, Haahea, Jacketa, Caj«, Etc., Etc. NOVELTIES: The Prioea of these Goods wUl astonish jou fccluding ELECaNT SILK KIM0N08I HaneUome Cigarette Cases, Pin Cnahions, Silk Tea Cossies, LAKUE 1>D NMALL JlPASESE KU«S Silk UmbreUas, light but strongj Chair Suddles, Silk; Bamboo BIinda, fitTed with pulleys; Silk Lamp Sbades, new style. JAPANE.SE SCREENS, From $3 Cp. LIKUE JlPlXESK UlBRElfLlS Can be Set with Pole in the gronnd, niee for Pieniea or Lnnehea out of doore, they eau be opened out or used as a tent. COTTON CRAPES |IN GRKAT VARIETY CF-lnBp«clion RespectfuUy^Invited. MRS. J. P. P. COLLCO. Proprietress. A]irl2-3mB JUST ARRIVED, BABY - CARRIAGES OF ALL STYLES, D ; IN THE LATEST PATTERNS. “HOUSEHOtTD SEWING MACHINES Hand Sewino MaCH1N5S, AU With the Lat«st ImproTemenb>^Q PARLOB Orecans, Gruitars And.Other Muaieal Instramento. Wines, Liquors, Beer ALWAY8 ON HAND, AND FOB SAL£ BY ED. aOFF8CHUEGER & £ing 8L. oppo, CasU* k Oook**a PAOlPie 8AL00W, CornerJKing and Knuanu Stre«ta. SDW. WOLTEB....Mewee. ,> . TU Fi ami MkoMoa <* UQUOBfi aad BZSS, <taywhe* tn tha tom. Tu*-d*M atwadaaoa, CaE aM MnuwU. WiM L