Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 169, 21 Iulai 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

gflTThe Kepuhlie of Uawaii is to blame that the pn'ee of SOAP dropped ten per cent, and I am therefore eompelleii to sell one case, 100 t>ounds, of the very best quality of Soap— Doxest wbioht — for 14.50, and you will now get 17 Bars instead of 15 11.25; but it did not affect the price of Sofl S>ap. If you need anything in this line please ring up Mutual Telephone 314. and the Sofl Soap Man will do the rest. tf B. BERGERSEN, Oeneml Agenl for FJINGER r 1 SEWING MAOHINE COMPY. All Kinds of Needles for Sale and Repairing Done. Damon’s BIock. Bethel Street, Honolnlu. P. O. Box 440. jy21 tflCT01$ p&Viljoq Hot«I and Bethel Ste īi be Closed for 2 Weeks On account of depirture for Waianae with Phonograpb, jy I» J. A: VICTOR, Prop r. Honolulu Camage Manufaetory i Skr W. WT WRIGHT, Peopbiktob. (Saceeaaor lo O. W«ot). CARRIAGE BITLDING a>n REPAIRING. AU OrTi*r» frora tbe Utber lolamln in ihe CarrUue Buildinz, Tnmraloi( aod Pain(in< Line Mill Meet wiih Croc.pt Attention. BUckamithinE in AU I:o Vnrion« Brnocbe« Oone. P. O. Boi 321. No*. 1» »nd OO Port 8trect JyI9 Iy A. G. CORHEA, rarATTORNET AT LAW,JH 307 Merchant Street, Honolulu. j,20 Dr. ATCHERL£Y, M. B. C. 8. (Eng.) LB.C.P, (Lond.) IA3 BEMOVED TO OFTXCE FOBMERLY »1 ooca|iiod by Dr. Foota, Co»>«» or Pnenm aeo Bam5u STum. lnt. 2M. BeU Ml. jn29 im FOB 8ALE. H‘CHE aed LOT aT IWILEI, Boaouiv. £nq«uc on Um pmouone, or ot JOE db 8ANT08, ' ju29 Iw Atnard W. O. Unli. NOTICE. AB paneHU u» hnnbT p«obiboUd ina reipn—mg ug ukiag aay Uung rom Uw oi thn oaMnaimnmL f mnil a* Maoiae. H«an. -rf *fni', MAŪ3UL0A. hw»,iaw. hHlw