Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 169, 21 July 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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YOLXEY V. ASHEORD. Attorney and Coanselor at Law, Office, Site of tbe OId Bethel — West Oorner of King and Betbel POUND MASTER , S 1 . NOTICE. is hercby given to nll p«noi# thai ! :here are at the (iovernmen{ Pouad at il* j kiki, f..ur »tr»yed horses. 1 noor red hone, whitc spots on tbe fow- '■ heao, back asd on ihe Wft «ide; br*nd AF I queer bnnd on kft hip; two hiad fettnek* ! white; 2 front hoofs«bod; one hlaek mue, whitespoton foreheod and kwek; brmud. » heart ; bntnd on ieft hip not distinot; sorr I b«ek;ooe bsy m«rs, whiie forehe*d; b*und | 2XM3; hmmts on left and right hips iudis> 1 tiaet; ooe b*y hor>e. fore (elloek white; j breod on right hip Mj; brand oa Mt not ! pUin. j AU penossovning aame are reiine*ted to I take the same oa or belure 12 o’oioek noon I 8ATUBDAY. AUO.4 lS»t. 8AM YEE HOP, No. 522 Kiog Stre«t, Dealer in C liforoia »nd Hiiwaimn Fruit» and Veget bles. Guava Jdlly Guld Fis »nd PooUry, jy20 Y. LUMSI>G, Deal«r in Frnits and Grocerie«. Freah FraiU by Erery Cali!«>rni« Steamer, Eresb isiand Botter fr»»m Htwdi. X3o Fon StreetCotTee Bo>sted. P O. Box 169 ; Preeb lsiand Prodace, Ooods Delirered to Any Part of the Pioneer 8hlrt Factory 98TAAU9HU> IWT. A M. M£LL1S. Proprietor. fget 8A, (Upauō») HeeoUia, Goo4ftt. Streets. jy2l City jy21