Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 169, 21 July 1894 — LADIES COLUMN. [ARTICLE]
In the folare this eolumn will be devoted to the interesb5 of the Ladies. In it you wdl fiod mueh that will not only interest you from week to week, but that «ill be of benefit to vou, bv savinc vou mueh ; time, trouble and money in doing your shopping. We have inau- ■ gurated Special Siles days that wiil be distinctly marked d"wn days in . our prices—we say mark down in prices, that means a raark down worthy of your attention. MONDAY sUirts the Ball a roIliftg with a Sale of Hosiery a | prices never bef»re heard of. We have just rec«ived an iramense st>»ck of thera —and they are g«»ing at your prices—whde »»ur Merriime Prints wdl be ch>sed out ai 5 cts per ynrd. SATURDAY will see a Remnant Sale —we bave not raany, and don’t want any, so they go for whalever they are worth to you. Every drcss pattern we have in Stock aud raany of them are perfectly ! Iovely, has g<»t to be sold We bought for that purpose. but as | Cut Rates seem lo be the order of the day we dropped on them also. lu fact oall f«»r whatever you want in our line, and compare it with prios you have reeeived before and you will see at onee that this is not simply an advertisement to catch your trade, but a statement of facts. Every day is a Clearance Sale with us. For over 40 years wehavelead all.when itgets to High Class ofGoods and Pooular Pricts We are making greater efforts than before, and will n»t be undersold. At preseut time is too short to enumerate the New Goods we . have received by the Australia. 1 We are unpaoking them as fast as \ wecan.and have hardly had time to put thē prices on many of them ! before they were anapped up by 1 anxious buyers. Keep your eyes , on ihieoolumn soraething iscoming ; aoon to surprise you all. B, F. Ehlers A Co. jy20-tf