Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 169, 21 July 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

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The kite flying se;i?oa is n w \ open. ‘and tbe juniors of tbe i Asiatie contingent, tbe loc.il ; popoUee, nre enjoy:ng them-- ’ selves d«ily. A. M. Mellīa is tbe shirt maker > o( the town. He faraishes tbe > on!y comforUble sbirt and tbe peopla h«v- got to “k*-ep it ‘ on” in spite of Boeter and C«stle. • The enicrpri*s by i th«t noble lioman in tbe loenl i Paniheon, J«inesibas Doddimas, in pn>vidiug tbe drink of tbe god 0«mbrinos, vbicb is made to flow tbrongh silvered aqaeducts, is t in kaeping with tbe coguomec i o( tbat beverage. two (onming i Jotcsq qppg o i wht$b are ubUiuable from tbe carly-bairad onp , beerar Harry, noi fiebe. |or | eonpie ol denarii.

The somniferous inōneneo of ihe climate had its efibct on the 1 eall boy and serērml drivers of a popnlar hackstand in town last evening repeated teIephoning failing to reach their dnlledears. : One gentleman who telepboned conld, from his position. see Ihe lights in the hacks, bear the ring of the telepbone bell, but bor 1 nd drirers were dead to the ’ world. Probably a surfcit of bnsiness. Informaiion is obtained that , the Ewa Planiaiion Co.. has de- ■ cided to abandon the efFosion prccess in nse in the mill, (and | whieh was, bnt lately introdaced | tberein at great eipenae) and hare conftaĪ3sioned Mr. Alei. ; Yonng who left todar, somewhat hurridly, by the steamer Aus- : tralia, to order a new and eom- [ plete outfit of a different process. The smaller stockholders in the corporation are not elated at the prospects of delayed diridends.