Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 169, 21 July 1894 — The Iolani College. [ARTICLE]

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The Iolani College.

The do3ing exercises of the | popils in the lolani ColIege took plaee last Thorsday evening. ; Bishop Willis, as well as Ihe masters of the aehool, desorve the highest credit for the resn!t of their efForts durirg the past year. Tho school i.s in a very | proraising condition. and it is a well-known fact amoug all who ! have watched the educational progress and qnalitios of the young Hawaiians of this generati<>n that the best and cleverest men have graduated frotn the “B shop’s” School. The exercises were highly interesting to the large audience. It would occupy raore of our space than we ean afford to give to publish a detailed account of j the exhibition of the boys. We | desire to meniion the names of ; A Kaulukou, who seems to have ; inhented bis father’s eloquence and of the oratorical efforts of Henry Hart and E. P. Hatfield. Special roention should be mude of C. Ab Fook, who was the head of the examined boys, and alao of Kong Yin Tet, whose map drawing of the Hawaiian Islands was very clever iudeed. A peneil drawing of the Crucifixion by the same boy called for%onsiderable attention, as did the peneil drawing of Von Caprivi, by Geo. W. Clark Among the people! present were noticed the U. S. Minister Willis and Mrs. Willis, j Mesdames Herron, JJorrie and Campbell, Professor Alexander, : Mr. and Mrs. Mist and many j others.