Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 169, 21 July 1894 — FOR THE LAND O’ STRIKES. [ARTICLE]

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Dcparting Passcngers by the | Austraiia. 1 j After long and serious tbought * the fo!lowing named ladies and i gentlemen h&Te left the shore of j hospital and peacefal Hawaii behind aud took cabin passage tbis afternoon in the steamer Aastralia for San Francisco; I Mesdaxes. E. C. Ro»e. Ban-1 ing, MeOowan. Misses. Bita Sdhmidt, B. Rum-, 1 bell, Perry (2) Armstrong. Tack. Mr. and Mbs. C. C. Kennedy j and sons, H. W. Sch*nidt and sons, G. N. Spencer, J. Steiner and son, R. F. Bickerton and son. Messrs. E. N. Holmes,T. J. ' ’ Birch, JamesGibb. EdgarSachs, i C. Barrett, Umbstaetter, E. D. j Tenney, Alei. Young, Leo Cooper. , i About twenty steerage passeng- i ers are booked.