Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 169, 21 Iulai 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]
» Mr. T. W. Gay is in town. — Tbe Kinaa broaght 8225 bags of snpar to town. The Misses Hoimesand Rickard arrived on the Kinan. Mr. Jobn Magnire arrived tbis morning on the Kinan. W. G. Irwin <fc Co’s warebonse was entered bist night. Bnrglaries are becoming freqnent Where is tbe poliee? “ [. Deputy Attorney General G. K. Wilder is among us again. Mr. Alex. Toung was a passenger to the Coast by this Anstraiia. A political organization will meet at the Leagae hall this QingThe uew irou fence around E. Hendry’s premises is wortb looking at. Band concert at Emma Square at 4:30 o’eloek this afternoon. Xo new pieces. Mr. L. A. Thurston returned this moriung after having “dropped” the volcano. The Kam’a and Hawaiis are the opposing teams at the Recreation grounds today. The Hamakua jury term was a pronounced fizzle as far as the goverument is concerned. Oolouel Y. V. Ashford who has attended the Hamakua term was a passenger on the Kinan. TheChampion will remain here until relieved. the Advertiser statement notwithstanding. Fair-minded men should be slow to believe any street, statemeuts ubout the W— W—W —racket. The mail forwarded by the stoamer Australia consisted of 7654 lettors and 1645 papors. The engagement of a wellknown rancbman to a ‘belle” is one of tbe rumours by theKīnau. •Rev. R P. Baker and wife and Mr. C E. Gillette did not go forward, ns intendod, on the Australia. Messrs. Peterson & Creighton are at present at Koolau on business. They will return to-mor-row night. Mr. Harry M. Whitney Jr. is the acting secretary of the firm of W. G. Xrwin & Co.,dnring the absence of Mr. W. M. Giffard. Dr. C. B. Wood haa accepted tho position on the Board of Healih made vacant by the resignation of Dr. Miner. The band concerk at the flotel lastTeveniug, complimentary to passengers departing by the Aus- ! tralia, was well attended. — Anotber water famine existed for a short time yesteiday afternoon. Householders are in terror of n visit from the fire fiend. lt ia not bolieved that ihe Kamehameha club membere, or any | one of tbeir friends, attempted to buy the “sold” baseball g»me. Look iuio Ehlen & Co. next Moaday, and they will shomtyon some ‘ , neither" garmaa*« lhat will make your best pop.” It is stāted that the Anstralia I succeeded in runtting into the schoonerRob. R >y wnen she )e(t the harbor to day. Anotber •'alnke.” Tbe lately arrived tourists who hare had a hahiUlion and * name in a Wuter iouso cotUge on J School strpet, have gone to pae- ; tures new. - - Major Wo!ters bas innreased tbo c«rrying ol hie sohooners of B but ihe rates ol tbe toil are the mme. Tw> aehooneea are aiill orer the bar for <me